Page 11 of Pretty Remarkable

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I pull in front of her car and throw the gearshift into park. We both sit there, neither of us moving for several long seconds. Finally, she speaks. “Thank you, again. For everything.”

“You’re welcome.”

She reaches for the handle and slowly climbs out of my truck, so I do the same, meeting her at the driver’s door of her car.

“Make sure it’ll start,” I state as she digs out her keys.

Is it bad I’m hoping the engine doesn’t turn over? It does, unfortunately, so I set her bag in the back seat beside the luggage she left last night.

“Listen, about last night,” she starts, gazing up at me from her seat.

I step up to her open door and crouch down beside her. Brushing the hair off her cheek, I reply, “Don’t. Let’s just leave it for another time.”

She opens her mouth, as if she’ll maybe argue, but doesn’t. To be honest, I fully expect her to, but whatever she was about to say dies on her full lips. Instead, she nods, a sad little smile plays on her lips. “Next time,” she whispers, clearly not believing that there will be a next time.

That’s okay.

I don’t plan to just walk away.

“Enjoy your time in Pine Village with my sister,” I say, leaning forward and pressing my lips to her forehead.

“Thank you,” she mumbles.

“Next time,” I repeat, standing up. Just as I go to shut the door, I quickly add, “Merry Christmas, Blair.”

“Merry Christmas, Gabe.” That’s my cue to shut her car door.

I watch as she collects her bearings, throws her car into drive, and slowly pulls away, tossing me a little wave as she goes. I don’t return to my truck until she’s long gone, having rounded the bend in the road and on her way toward town. Only when the chill starts to seep through my jacket do I finally jump in the driver’s seat and head home.

Blair front and center in my mind the entire time.

I’m not sure what our future has in store, but I know I wouldn’t mind seeing her again. Sure, the distance is a big factor, but not completely unmanageable. All I know is our time together doesn’t feel finished.

Not even close.

I’m not ready to let her go.

She’s pretty remarkable.

Tags: Lacey Black Erotic