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“Wake up, sleepy head,” I hear Colt whisper into my ear.

“Go away, we’re on vacation. We can sleep in for a little while longer,” I roll over and burrow into the pillow he used last night.

The sheets being pulled away from my naked body and the slap on my ass wakes me up.

“What?” I roll over and sit up. Colt is standing, ready to start the day. He’s in a pair of khaki shorts, a cotton tee shirt, and flip flops.

“You have a busy day ahead of you.” He smiles at me before coming up to kiss me.

“Me, don’t you mean we?”

“Nope, today is your day. The sooner you get dressed, the sooner you’ll know what you’ll be up to.” I can tell he’s up to something.

“Okay, fine. I suppose I’ll get dressed and do something on my own while we’re on vacation together.” Allowing the sheets to drop from my chest as I sit up in bed, wanting to get a reaction out of him, maybe then he’ll spill the beans and tell me what’s really going on. I see the look on his face as he takes in my naked breasts. “You do not play fair,” Colt says, though he still doesn’t divulge any information he seems to be keeping from me.

“Neither do you.” He licks his lower lip, making me clinch my legs together. I throw the sheets off, sliding out of bed, and make my way to the bathroom.

“Care to join me?” I ask him.

“You’re killing me, woman. Any other day and I’d have you slammed up against the shower wall.” With his words alone, I can feel the wetness gather between my thighs. With the way he speaks to me, my body always craves more.

“Maybe next time,” I reply.

I make fast work of the shower, wash my hair, and shave before getting out to brush my teeth. I throw on a robe that the villa provided, leaving myself bare underneath for Colt.

“Hey Colt, did you order breakfast?” I come out asking.

Stopping dead in my tracks, “Holy freaking hell, there’s no way!” I scream out. Standing before me is my mom, Presley, Callie, and Clairabella.

“How is this possible?” I ask them.

“Well, see, Colt came to your father and I not long ago and told us his plans. Basically, we’re here to get you ready for your wedding. Tonight,” my mom says as she comes up to take my hand to look at the ring Colt gave me.

“Tonight? How is that even possible?” I murmur out loud.

“That’s where we come in. Momma Grace got everyone here and the ball rolling and then Callie and I helped with your dress,” Presley says.

“This, it’s a dream come true. I mentioned in passing once about a destination wedding and Colt is making all of my dreams and wishes come true.” Tears are filling my eyes.

“None of that, we have a wedding to get ready for, but first we need food,” I say. “Bella, have you eaten breakfast yet?”

“No, but Uncle Colt said he ordered me French toast, just the way I like it with extra syrup, too,” the sass in her voice telling me she roped Colt into this.

“Oh, I bet. Well, let’s eat. Then I’m pretty sure you have a job to do today, too?”

“Yes, Auntie Pres said I’ll be the flower girl and Noah will be the ring bearer, isn’t that right Auntie Lala?” she asks.

“You are absolutely correct,” I tell her as we sit around the table to eat our breakfast with everyone laughing and carrying on.



While the girls were getting ready, my dad, Dylan, Silas, Nash, Reed, and Lincoln, along with baby Noah, made sure everything was good to go for our sunset wedding.

“She’s all yours now, are you ready for all things Lyla?” Dylan, Lyla’s dad asks.

“Oh yeah, I knew it the minute she came in spitting mad that Silas had her doing his dirty work,” I replied.

“About that, I think you’ll thank me later. Hell, you should probably thank me now. If it wasn’t for me being a needy prick, you wouldn’t be here,” Silas grunts.

“Whatever you say, Silas, whatever you say. You knew Lyla was yours like I knew deep in my bones Presley was meant for me. Don’t let him think for one second it was his doing,” Lincoln says while he holds Noah, his head in the crook of his neck with his thumb in his mouth. Seeing what Lincoln and Presley have, even seeing Callie with Clairabella, I know deep in my soul it will only be a matter of time until Lyla and I have one of our own.

“He can think what he wants, Lyla would have appeared in my life one way or the other. Are we ready to head our own ways and get ready for this shindig?”

Tags: Tory Baker Finding Love Erotic