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“Colt,” Dad says, yet still shakes his hand.

“Hello, Dylan,” Colt responds.

“Okay, Daddy quit with the intimidation factor,” I tell him as I go up to him and hug him.

“You’re my only little girl, don’t care how old you are. You’ll always be my little girl. I at least have to pretend I don’t like him. What would Steve think if not?” he grouses, talking about Presley’s Dad and how Lincoln and she eloped.

“I think he’d think the same thing you are, you want what’s best for all of us, even those rowdy boys you demanded Mom have,” I roll my eyes, it was really all Moms idea to have more kids. Mom said two was plenty, but Dad somehow got his way.

“Love you, Love Bug,” he kisses my forehead before returning to the grill.

“Love you, Daddy,” I return my attention to Colt and my mother.

Mom has her arm looped through his, and it’s then I realize the two of them must be scheming something. “Good Lord, I’m in trouble now,” I mumble to myself.

“If you don’t quit talking to yourself, you’re going to look like the weirdo we all know you are,” Reed responds, coming to sit down right where I was about to plant my ass.

“Nobody asked you, you’re on my shit list, too,” I’m grumpy and hungry all at once.

“What did I do to you?”

“I don’t know, give me ten minutes, I’ll figure it out,” I sit down on the chair beside him.

“Clearly Colt hasn’t tamed your wild ass yet.” He’s full of sarcasm today, I can tell.

“Well, it’s been nice talking to you, but I’m going to go see if the girls are here. I’m sure they’ll want my company instead of being a dick.” I mess up his hair and walk away.

Leaving Colt and my mom probably isn’t the smartest of ideas, but if I don’t find something to snack on, I’m going to eat my own arm.



As soon as Lyla walked away, it was my chance to ask her parents. I could have waited for another time to do this, but there’s no time like the present.

“Grace, Dylan, I think you know what I’m about to ask. I wanted to give you the courtesy of a heads up. Even if you say no, I’m still going to do whatever it takes to make Lyla happy. May I have your blessing in asking her to marry me?” I ask.

“Oh honey, you know you have mine. My boys came home with a smile on their face and I knew they were up to something. All of them asking her to run errands for them to your shop. It all makes sense now. Welcome to the family, Colt,” Grace says while wringing her hands in giddiness.

“Well hell, I knew this shit was going to happen, I just wasn’t prepared for it to happen this soon. I guess Grace is a yes, but I’ll tell you this, if you take my girl off to get married without her family, there will be hell to pay,” he grunts, but then shakes my hand, pulling me in for a hug.

“Thank you. There’s something else I want to talk to you about. I may need your help with this one. She’s mentioned having a destination wedding. I’d love your and Grace’s help with that. Not financial, but the logistics of it. Maybe make it a surprise. I take her there on vacation, but what we’re really there for is our wedding,” I tell them an idea that’s been brewing for a while.

“She’d love that, and we’d love nothing more than to help you. Are you sure you don’t need help financial wise?” Grace asks.

“Gracie, love. The man has more money than he knows what to do with. The last car he restored sold for a quarter of a million dollars,” Dylan shakes his head.

“As if I would know anything about that. I just do our books. I figured it was about the same as ours. What do I know,” she laughs, and Dylan brings her into his arms.

“I’m good, I have this covered. I’ve been smart and invested wisely. Lyla can quit working and shop all day if that’s what she wanted. Not saying she will though. She’s damn independent, that woman. I’ll have my mom call you?” I ask Grace.

“You do that, her and I can handle the rest. You better go rescue Lyla though. She’s liable to eat everything in the fridge while Dylan pulls the meat off the grill,” she laughs.

I thank them and then make my way inside. The laughter filling the kitchen stops me in my tracks. Lyla, Callie, Presley, Clairabella, and Noah are in there. All of them are laughing while they pig out over the chips and dip Lyla had us stop at the store to get. When she got six bags of chips and four jars of salsa, I thought she was crazy. Now it all makes sense, the only one not eating is Noah and that’s because he’s too young.

Tags: Tory Baker Finding Love Erotic