Page 52 of Adored By 3

“Yes.” I sit up. “I really like Halloween. I was always able to spend it with my friends and able to make the most of it. Now that I have you amazing men in my life, I want to spend it with you.”

“Valerie.” Chase cups my face in his hands. “You will have us for every holiday. I will make sure of it. You will have us the day before and the day of.”

“We can decorate, get costumes, go to my friend’s party, then watch horror movies together, eat fall-related things, including candy, and just be together having a party of four.”

Chase smiles. “I love the sound of that, baby doll.”

Chase and I end up cuddled in bed together and all I dream of is my men. I dream of them touching me, holding me, until I wake up surrounded by warm bodies. At some point in the night, Lief and Hunter joined us.

I smile and manage to get around them without any trouble. I tiptoe to the kitchen and start on French toast. Maybe I can take care of them for yesterday. They’re willing to give me their time, their love, their understanding. I want to show them I’m willing to do the same.

Lief is up first, as usual. He walks to me in just pajama pants and rubs my arms before kissing my cheek. “Leaving me all alone last night.”

“I know. I just couldn’t sleep. Chase and I did a lot of talking. It was needed,” I answer.

He kisses my neck. “We love you, pet. We’d do anything for you.”

“And all I did was make breakfast. And I’m not even naked.”

He chuckles and gives me a gentle squeeze. “How are you?”

“I’m better I think,” I say as I get everything set up. “I might take a day or two from classes to make sure my brain is in order, but ... but I know I’ll be fine. I always am.”

“I refuse to settle for fine,” He whispers in my ear. “I want you incandescently happy.”

“So you’ll dress as a pirate for Halloween and learn a bunch of silly recipes with me?” I ask, facing him.

Lief rolls his eyes. “You want me to retire to be a house husband, don’t you?”

I nearly drop the whipped cream can. Husband? When was that on the table? I mean, I love them, I can’t picture a happy future without them, but marriage? Mom always said that dad was nice until they got married. Until they started having problems conceiving. Marriage is where things fall apart and ...


No. That was their relationship. An alcoholic narcissist and a people pleaser. I close my eyes a moment. The idea of marryingmymen ... its good and warm. Having them forever, like we are now. I take a deep breath.


“Sorry. It’s okay. Just ... lingering issues from yesterday.”

Lief gives me a look but doesn’t press. I feed Chase and Hunter when they come down and Lief takes a plate as well. I watch them from the kitchen for a while and think about marrying them.

Hunter would want to take over at least half of the planning, especially the décor. And I could see Lief as a house husband after. I’d have to get him a chef’s hat. And I know he’d keep us in shape. Chase is the hardest to pin down. Their father was married for a bit, but I’m not sure if ‘married’ and ‘mafia boss’ really go together.

“Dorogaya, it isn’t really breakfast if you’re not with us.” Hunter calls.

“I’m feeling rude, but damn this is good,” Chase says.

Lief pats the chair next to him. Well, I don’t have to think about marriage for a while. I can just enjoy them. Keep things simple. Love them, live with them, and survive another day.


After the incident with Valerie’s father, we’ve made an effort to have more time with her. Less time working, less time plotting our takeovers and peace offerings, and more quality, meaningful time with Valerie. Like we’ve all needed – badly.

I can tell it’s already making a difference. On Thursday, Valerie joins me in the gym. She huffs. “I need something to punch.”

“Everything okay at school?” I ask.

“Andre is being a dick and my father is harassing Tristan to try to get information on me which is bothering me.” She sighs. “And since I don’t have an enemy to defend my sexy boyfriends from, I need something to hit.”

Tags: Barbi Cox Erotic