Page 26 of Final Drive

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“I’m sure it does,” he agreed. “But I haven’t reached that point yet. I love it. Aside from playing actual football, the fans are my favorite part of this job.”

I started to make a joke about Luke being full of himself, but the words died on my lips. I had been assigned to a lot of egotistical people in Los Angeles, and Luke was nothing like them. After working with him for more than six weeks, I knew he enjoyed making the fans happy for its own sake—not because it stroked his own ego.

I’m lucky I was assigned to him,I thought as we went to the check-out line.There are a lot of other athletes who would be a pain to work for.

When we walked out of Macy’s, there was a small crowd of 15 or 16 people gathered in the mall hallway. As soon as Luke came into view, someone shouted, “It’s him! It’s August!”

“Mr. Luke!” said one kid who came running up. “I’m your biggest fan! Can I get your picture?”

“Only if I get a photo of you, first.” Luke pulled out his camera and snapped a photo of the kid. “Okay, your turn.”

I stood by his side and smiled as he took photos and signed more autographs. Luke was in his element while entertaining the fans.Yeah,I thought once again.I’m definitely lucky to be assigned to a guy like him.

The food court was across the hall from Macy’s, and soon more people were drawn over by the commotion. As the fans crowded around, I scanned every face I saw. Nobody looked suspicious, but my guard was up anyway.

“Hey, don’t push in so much,” Luke said awkwardly. “I’ll get to everyone, don’t worry.”

Despite his comments, the fans pressed in tighter, forming a ring around us. Cell phones stuck out of the crowd like periscopes, eager to get the interaction on video. Luke bent down to pose for a selfie with one kid, and an uncomfortable look passed across his face before he turned to the next fan.

“Watch it,” I snapped at one guy who elbowed me. “I said watch it!”

I wasn’t standing next to Luke now; there were two people between us. And the next glimpse I saw of his face, he didn’t look so good. His skin was pale, and his eyes darted all around as if he expected to be attacked at any moment.

This is too much, I realized.

“Luke’s done giving autographs,” I shouted, pushing aside one man who was trying to take a selfie with my client. “Sorry, everyone, but that’s all.”

“He said he would get to everyone!” someone yelled.

Another man angrily growled, “All my kid wants is a photo!”

I put my hand on Luke’s back to guide him away, and he didn’t fight me. I had to shoulder through one fan who refused to move, but after that the crowd parted for us. I saw a small corridor to the right and quickly led Luke down it toward the mall bathrooms. I opened the women’s room, glanced underneath the stalls to make sure they were empty, and then pulled him inside and locked the door behind us.

“I’m sorry,” he said, now gasping for breath. “I don’t know. Why I feel. So lightheaded…”

“Breathe,” I instructed him, pushing him over to the sink counter so he had something to rest against. His pulse was racing and his skin was clammy. “Everything is okay. Just breathe.”

He shook his head at me. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me…”

“You’re having a panic attack. Just relax and take deep breaths.” I was still bracing him with an arm around his waist because I was afraid he would pass out, although there wasn’t much chance of me holding him up if he did. I reached up and brushed back his hair, then stroked his cheek. “Relax. Your body will calm itself down if you just breathe.”

Slowly, Luke’s pulse came down and the color returned to his face. He blinked a few times, then locked onto me with his eyes. They seemed more blue than usual, for some reason. Contrasting against the paleness of his skin, maybe.They’re beautiful,I thought while stroking his cheek.Those are the kind of eyes a girl could drown in.

He put a hand over mine, holding my fingers against his cheek.

“You feel okay, now?” I asked.

The big football player answered me with a kiss.

I was shocked to feel his lips crushing against mine, and I started to lean back. But Luke’s arm slid around my waist the way my arm was around his, and his palm pressed into my lower back possessively. My shock melted into desire, and I molded my entire body against his. Luke responded hungrily, deepening the kiss and pulling me closer. I surged upward with need as a tingling warmth spread up my legs and through my whole body.

So this is what it’s like,I thought faintly.This is what it’s like to kiss Luke. I didn’t realize I’d been wondering about it until that moment.

I closed my eyes and surrendered to his lips.



Tags: K.T. Quinn Romance