Page 5 of My Always One

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And then sometimes, like now, as he opens the door of his truck and flashes me aMarshal special smile,I see him the way other girls do—for the incredibly handsome man he’s become.

It’s no wonder girls throw themselves at him.

“I can’t believe you came all this way,” I say as I run toward him and wrap my arms around his neck.

Marshal laughs as he twirls me around and sets my feet back on the ground. “Are you kidding? What’s an hour drive to see my best friend?”

He reaches inside his truck and pulls out a long hanging bag.

“You really have a suit?”

“Of course I do.” He flings the bag over his shoulder. “I could make it a full-time job going to sorority dances.”

“Am I keeping you from one of your groupies?”

He reaches around me and tugs me close. “Well, there are probably tears in Lansing.” He grins. “No, I’m right where I want to be. I wouldn’t miss being your stand-in for anything or anyone.”

I briefly lay my head on his shoulder. “I’ve missed you.” Pulling away, I reach for his hand. “Come with me. Rita’s roommate moved out, and she’s letting us stay here this weekend.”

“I thought you’d sneak me into the sorority house,” he says as he wiggles his eyebrows.

I fake a gasp. “Don’t tell me that you’ve been snuck into sorority houses up at Michigan State? It’s against the rules.”

“Um, of course not.” He laughs. “Since when did you become a rule follower?”

I lead him into the building and down the corridor to Rita’s apartment. “Oh, I know you, Marshal Michaels. If I snuck you into my sorority house, it would be like taking a five-year-old you to a candy store and saying, take your pick.”

We step inside.

It’s a nice apartment for college students with a simple floor plan: living room, kitchen, one bathroom, and two bedrooms. The glass doors in the living room are open to the patio, letting the spring breeze flutter the lightweight curtains.

Marshal lays his hanging bag and duffel bag on the couch and says, “It’s a good thing we’re not there if I’m only supposed to choose one.”

I shake my head. “Some things never change.”

“They don’t. I couldn’t let my best friend miss her big end-of-the-year dance.”

“I hope it will be better than prom.”

“I told you not to do it.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh, wise one, one day I’ll listen to you.”

“Where’s Rita?” he asks.

“She’s staying with a friend and said we could have her apartment for the weekend.”

“A friend?” His eyebrows dance.

I scrunch my nose. “Do you remember when you were here last time and met a guy named Marvin?”

“You’d think I’d remember that name.”

“He was at that party we went to off campus.”

Marshal’s brow furrows. “Tall guy, talked about himself all the time? His dad owns some big construction company?”

“Agricultural co-ops, but yeah, that’s him. Well, he and Rita have been dating for a few months and...”

Tags: Aleatha Romig Romance