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, and certainly not the wants or expectations of this woman we’d been matched to. Just like at our birth, we three brothers were casualties of circumstance once more. While Lev, Tor, and I could go back to our sectors if we did not agree to this shared mating, she would be ruined. Any child conceived would be ripped from her and from the mates who denied her. She would suffer for months from the strong, desperate pull of seed power from not just one man, but three.

It was not a fate I wished on any female, and particularly not one I was responsible for. Not one I had bred and claimed as my bride. A woman was to be protected and sheltered, pleasured and dominated. Not used, her trust gained, her obedience earned, only to be discarded by the mate she had been taught to serve. I glanced at my brothers. Could we overcome our differences to protect a female we had not met?

A bright light filled the room centering over the large table.

“Ah, her transport has begun.” The regent looked giddy, a huge smile and expectant hop to his steps.

We all stepped back and watched as a woman slowly materialized on the table. Once the transport was complete, the blinding wash of light disappeared, leaving her unconscious form on the hard surface. We stepped closer to look at her, my eyes took a few seconds to adjust after the bright flash of her transport.

She wore a long dress typical on Viken. The material didn’t hide her lush curves—very full breasts and curved hips. Her hair was dark red, the deepest color in a fire. It was unbound and lay in thick curls across the wood. Her lashes were long and rested against her pale cheeks. Her lips were a lush pink, plump and full and my cock pulsed at the idea of having them curved around it.

This was our mate? I glanced at my brothers whose expressions matched the awe I felt.

“You still feel it will be a hardship to fuck this woman? To be mated to her? To breed her?” The regent’s words were intended to mock us, but instead highlighted the way each and every protest I had disappeared at the sight of her ripe body and beautiful face. I wanted her. I wanted my cock in her mouth and my hand striking her bare ass. I wanted to fuck her until she screamed and watch her kneel at my feet, naked and ready to be claimed.

No. Fucking her would be no hardship. My cock hardened at the sight of her, and she wasn’t even conscious. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tor adjust himself. It was a good thing we were instantly drawn to her, for nothing less than the fate of the planet rested on our ability to fuck this woman and fuck her well.

* * *


We’d been called to the Viken United headquarters, not for a sector meeting, as I’d been told, but because my brothers and I were now forced by a threat to the planet to come together and breed a female assigned not just to me, but to my identical brothers as well. I knew I’d have to find a mate someday, but I had always believed it would be in my own time and a female of my own choosing. I’d also assumed my mate would be mine and mine alone. It seemed, as Regent Bard put it, fate intervened.

Here before me was the most beautiful female I’d ever seen, sprawled out on the table where the planet’s boldest decisions were made. Perhaps she was one of the regents’ boldest decisions. She would unite the sectors and bring supposed peace to the planet once again. She would inspire young warriors to war and virgin brides to offer themselves as mates. Her child would rule the planet when I and my brothers were long dead.

Separating my brothers and I had not united the planet. We were nothing but a temporary respite from all-out war. Our royal blood and our family’s long history of fair and just rulers had calmed the planet enough for a tenuous peace to have taken hold. But separating us when we were mere infants had made us less than brothers. We had each been formed by the customs, biases, and beliefs of our specific sectors, nothing else. I was supposed to share this female with two men—brothers, even—I didn’t know. We looked the same, but that was all. The regents expected us to share a mate. Share!

I had already been denied what should have been mine by right. In Sector One, where I ruled, family was all. Your worth was measured in the strength and honor of your family. I had none. My royal blood was all that had saved me from the life of an outcast among my own people. But even my blood had not been enough to save me from the taunts of cruel children, from the lonely reality of sitting alone at all major events. I was alone, always alone, and deemed vulnerable in a society where a familial shield ensured survival.

The isolation had made me strong, and I did not regret my life. But now, faced with creating a family of my own, I did not want to share my only family with two men I barely knew. I did not want to share the time or attentions of the female. If she was truly mine, as the regent claimed, I wanted her all to myself. I found that I was greedy for her love, her lust, her body. I wanted everything.

Looking at the lush curves of her ass and hips, I hardened at the idea of taking her in the ass, of stretching her and claiming her in all ways. Once I planted my child in her womb, I would then load her rounded ass with my seed, ensure her addiction to me, to my touch and to my cock. I wanted her to crave me entirely.

I wanted to scoop her up in my arms and carry this female to a quiet room and teach her how to fuck. I didn’t doubt that my brothers would treat her well. Regardless of the political disagreements, all Viken men took care of their females and children. The women were protected and sheltered. A mate was cherished and valued as the most important thing in a man’s life.

That, and that alone, was why I’d avoided a mate until now. I was not ready to make a female my everything. But now, now that I saw this… Earth female, things changed. I could see her heart thrumming against the long column of her neck. I could see the plump curves of her breasts above the neckline of her dress. I could imagine the silkiness of her red hair sliding through my fingers. Hell, I could even smell her. Something floral and clean. I wondered what she tasted like, if her pussy would be as sweet as the rest of her.

I adjusted my cock in my pants. There would be no relief until I was buried deep inside her.

“Do you still wish to have her choose you from a group?” the regent asked, his long gray robes billowing around his ankles as he turned to me.

I glanced at my brothers, who nodded. There was no denying the connection, but politics was ruthless. “Yes.”

We had to ensure that this plan was valid, that the woman was truly ours. Testing the match would be the confirmation we needed, although I felt the pull by just looking at the female before us.

“Very well. I will organize the selection and return.” Regent Bard nodded in my periphery, then walked from the room, the silent and forgotten Gyndar following.

“We don’t even like each other. How are we going to do this?” Drogan asked. He ran his hand through his slightly shorter hair in a gesture I recognized. I’d just done it a moment ago.

“Didn’t they have triplet females on Viken that we could each have?” I leaned forward and placed my hands on the table. “It would solve the problem as easily as claiming one female,” I added.

“The regents want one child, not three. One new leader,” Lev clarified.

“Fuck,” Drogan murmured.

The regent’s plan was sound. He’d matched us to a female from another planet who could not return. Looking upon her, my cock stirred. I imagined my brothers’ did as well. Once our seed was upon her, how could we deny the lust we would feel? She would be bound to us permanently, the scent of our seed in her system a siren’s call to our senses. If we rejected her after she was bred, refusing the mating union, there was a very high probability she would go mad. We might not like each other, but we’d never hurt a woman. It would be better to kill her outright than to let her suffer with the call of three powerful Viken males’ seed power unfulfilled.

Lev took a step closer to the table, studying our new mate. “How are we going to fuck her?”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy