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“If you do not do this properly, your mate will be the vessel of the child’s birth and nothing more. She will not be the ruling mother, or the mate of the sector leader. In her case, all three sector leaders. By law and custom, she will have been shunned by her mate. She will be banished.”

I looked to my brothers, then at the regent. “We’ve been enemies our entire lives and you expect us to take her mouth, pussy, and ass at the same time for the mating union.” I saw interest in my brothers’ eyes, akin to how I felt. The idea was arousing, fucking a woman in any of those three ways, but I’d have to do it with men from sectors I’d been raised to dislike. Lev and Tor were my brothers by birth, but the people of Sector One were my people by blood and sweat and choice.

“For the mating union, yes. To breed her, no. You must each fill her pussy with seed, at least until she is properly bred. Once that is done, you may share her in any way you wish. But to do so, to ensure her happiness, you will need to put aside your differences.”

All three of us arched our right brow and glared at the old man. Making sure our women were happy was a matter of pride with a warrior. To imply that we, the leaders of the planet, would be unable to satisfy all of our bride’s needs was highly insulting. “You put us in different sectors to keep the peace, not to teach us tolerance. You kept us separated our entire lives and now you want us to pretend we are happy to fuck a woman together to ensure she is not shunned? To share a bride?”

“I agree with Drogan. A woman isn’t going to solve our long-seated issues between sectors. Neither is a child.”

“Well, sector leaders, I suggest you figure out how to unite the sectors, or all of Viken will fall to the Hive. You will lose everything. How precious your sector differences will be when you’ve all got so many neuro-processors implanted in your brains that you can’t remember your own names.” How the regent could remain calm was beyond me. I wanted to punch him in the nose for this alone. I wanted to pummel him for forcing all three of us to participate in this… insanity. For forcing our hands. For keeping the dangerous truth of our situation within the Interstellar Coalition a secret.

“Does our mate know she has been matched to three men?” Lev asked.

That was a good question and I looked to the regent.

“She does not. Her match was to your combined profile, just as each of you—” he pointed to each of us, “—were matched to hers. As triplets with identical DNA, she’s matched to all three of you.”

“Let me be clear, regent,” Tor said. He used his fingers to tick off each of his items. “We have a mate who does not know that she belongs to three warriors. We have to convince her to fuck each of us. We must breed her immediately to unite the planet. And we must stabilize the sectors so that more warriors and brides are sent to the coalition or we will be overrun by the Hive.”

“Yes. The coalition has given us ten months to improve our numbers.”

That was barely enough time to breed our new bride and have a new little one crawling. The babe wouldn’t be old enough to walk, and yet the child would be the acknowledged heir of all three planetary sectors.

I groaned. “We also have to convince our bride to accept our seed—at the same time—so the mating union is achieved. No mate of mine will be banished.” Just breeding her was simple. We could fuck her any way we wished, but to achieve the mating union, we’d have to fuck her in all her holes at once. I wasn’t a nice man, but I’d never see a woman shunned. Any issues I had about fucking her with my brothers were not her fault.

I didn’t force a woman either. How we were going to persuade an unwilling woman to take on three men was not going to be easy. Perhaps facing the Hive would be easier.

“Nor mine,” Lev grumbled.

Tor ticked off his last finger. “And we have to end thirty years of hatred and convince the planet to stand together.”

When Tor explained all of that, it seemed an impossible task.

“How do we know she was not mated to another and you are using this as a way to manipulate us, to affect the balance of power between sectors?” I added.

At my question, my brothers pulled their shoulders back and loomed over the man.

“As you say, she would not have been sent here by her home world without being matched by the processing protocol.” He sighed. “If it concerns you so greatly, I will summon other men to this room and she will be forced to choose you from among many.”

“Only one of us,” I said, ensuring that the woman made an impartial choice. If she were truly matched to one of us, the connection would be powerful and immediate. I’d forgotten that, so there was hope that she’d be inclined to our demands to fuck… immediately. I would not trust the match until our bride proved she was capable of feeling that connection.

The regent dipped his head respectfully. “Very well. As she believes she’s only matched to one man, you will need to decide which of you will stand in the line. Remember, do what you must once you claim her. All three of you must coat her with your seed. Without the link and power of the seed power, the others will want her. They will try to take her from you.”

Once a man’s seed filled a woman’s pussy, the bonding began. The chemicals in a Viken male’s seed were powerful. Our bride would crave it, need it. In return, the man to whom she bonded would feel the constant urge to claim her, to protect her and renew the bond. That was the natural connection between a Viken man and his mate. But a few months without exposure to the bonding chemicals in a male’s seed, and the woman’s body would become receptive to the claim of another.

No woman of mine would ever suffer the loss of my seed bond. I would fuck her hard, and often. I would taste her pussy with my mouth as my seed filled her throat. I would—

“You think others will try to defy us by claiming our mate?” Lev asked. Until she chose one of us from the lineup, she was considered available. Any man powerful enough to take her from us could try to claim her.

“If she chooses one of us, then the match is true. She belongs to no one but us.” Tor’s words confirmed that he protected what was his. Lev nodded his agreement.

“The match is true. She will choose one of you,” the regent said. He was very confident. Confident enough for me to believe he wasn’t lying. If he were, this woman could choose any random Viken man in the room who would fuck her. He’d have seed power over her and the ability to breed her, not the three of us. His plan for one true leader would not occur.

“Surely this woman has been fucked before,” Lev said. “Won’t she be longing for the Earth man’s cock she left behind? Won’t she be suffering withdrawal of his seed?”

The regent shook his head. “Earth men do not have this connection with their mates. Their seed is not as potent as ours. This is in your favor. An Earth woman matched to three Viken men. Combined, your seed power will have a level of potency she can’t imagine. Do your job, men, and do it well. Claim her, fuck her, fill her with your seed. Breed her. If, as you put it, you can’t find unity between the three of you, go back to your sectors. Your mate will be banished once she gives birth. The child will rule. This petty feuding will end and we will take our rightful place as a fully protected member planet of the coalition once more. Nothing else matters.”

The man had no sympathy for our individual desires. He was only thinking of the planet’s stability. Not mine or my brothers’ personal interests

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy