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Blindfolded? Was he trying to be kinky? The idea of not being able to see and being at the men’s mercy didn’t make me panic. It made my pussy clench. I was naked beneath the gown; I could feel the smooth glide of the fabric on my bare ass. Ever since I arrived on Viken I had felt a twinge of lust centered around my clit and I definitely didn’t feel like I had anything on beneath this gown. Lev could lift it right now and take me from behind. Or lift me as Tor fucked me in the air.

God, what was wrong with me? I wanted them to do it all. I wanted them to make me scream. I needed to feel owned and pleasured, and totally and completely claimed. Only then would I feel safe here, only then would I stop fearing a return trip to Earth.

“All… all right.”

I wasn’t on Earth anymore. I did not have to live by Earth’s rules. I had three identical hot men who wanted to fuck me. Why should I deny them? It wasn’t as if they planned to fuck me and leave me. They were mine just as I was theirs. I was their match.

My girlfriends—the ones I had before I became engaged—

Drogan lifted the piece of fabric up to cover my eyes as Tor slid down to kneel before me, his hands resting possessively on the curve of my hips. Lev took the ends of the blindfold and tied the soft fabric behind my head as Drogan’s hands settled over my large breasts. Lev kissed the back of my neck, carefully tucking my hair out of the way. I was surrounded by them, and giving them control. I wouldn’t even be able to see which one of them stroked me, or whose cock filled my pussy.

“No one… no one else will come in?”

“No one,” Drogan murmured, then kissed the side of my neck. “We will share you between us, but with no one else.”

As the world went dark my other senses instantly increased. I licked my lips, nervous. I could hear their breathing. I noticed their scent. Something woodsy and dark. When Lev’s hands finished opening the buttons down the back of my dress, it slipped off my shoulders and fell like silk unveiling a statue. The fabric slid softly over my breasts and hips to pool on the floor at my feet. The air caressed my bare skin.

“We will move now, so that you do not know who it is that touches you.”

They left me standing alone for several seconds, pacing across the room and coming back to me one by one. I did not know whose hands went to my breasts. I gasped as I was kneaded and caressed, thumbs brushing over my hard and aching nipples.

Another set of hands slid over my belly, my hips, then down the outside of my legs. One hand hooked my knee and I was forced to step wider. That same hand worked its way up the inside of my thigh to my pussy. He wasn’t quick about it, but he didn’t linger either.

“So pink.”

“Pretty nipples.”

“Full pussy lips.”

I couldn’t tell who was talking, for their voices were the same, but I shifted uncomfortably under their scrutiny.

“I will mark her now.” I could hear the sound of one of them stroking his cock. It was distinctive even over the thrumming of my heart.

“Guys, I’m not sure—”

“And this. She is adorned beautifully. So smooth. So soft.”

Someone touched my clit and my hips jerked at the intensity of it. It was sharp and bright and powerfully arousing. “Oh, God, what… what was that?”

“You do not have clit rings on Earth?”

I stilled for a mo

ment as I processed what he said, and the feeling of soft lips on my body. A clit ring? A finger slid over my pussy.

“I have no hair,” I said, more to myself than to the three men as a finger slid over me unhindered. I was completely bare. While I had shaved and kept my pussy trimmed neatly, this was something else entirely.

The mate kneeling before me pressed me with fingers and lips and the heated glide of his tongue. “Your pussy lips are smooth beneath my fingers and very pale. You are pink, and swollen, and glistening with sweet nectar.” But I struggled to focus on his words because it wasn’t his words that held my focus, it was the pull of his kiss on my new clit ring. I had not seen the ring, but I knew of them. I imagined his tongue circling and sucking at the tiny circle of metal that had been inserted into the hood. He flicked his tongue over it gently and a pulse of pleasure spread from there to my core, to tighten my nipples and make me gasp. It was very sensitive.

“I’m not going to last watching her like this,” one of them said as he continued to stroke himself. I could hear the meaty glide of his fist over his cock, the recognizable sound of a man pleasuring himself. His hand began to move faster and he stepped closer.

“I’ve never… I mean, a ring, why?”

The one kneeling before me continued to play with the clit ring with his tongue as his hands moved to the insides of my knees, pushing them wider so he could gain better access, could stroke me with the full length of his tongue. Could fuck me with the exploratory tip and suck.

My knees buckled and strong arms caught me from behind as the sensual assault continued on both at my breasts and on my core. The man at my back pressed his hard cock to my ass, his thick voice filling my ear. “All mated women are adorned this way. It makes fucking much more pleasurable. More important, there will be no question, by any male, that you belong to us.”

“Touch me,” the voice behind me growled. Unable to resist his command, I reached behind me and wrapped my small hand around his very thick and swollen shaft. Fluid seeped from the tip and down over my fingers. It was hot and slick and it felt incredible as it touched my skin. “Harder, mate. Make me come.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy