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Lev leaned over and whispered in my ear, his hot breath making me shiver. “Viken men all have rings in their cocks. Trust me, you will like it very much. As for our seed, it is potent. Once it touches your skin, but most especially fills your pussy, our bonding will begin. Other men will know you belong to us and it will prevent you from seeking the cock of another.”

“I seem to have three men. Why would I need another cock?”

Tor smiled on my left, his hand wrapped around the head of his cock and his eyes glued to my breasts. “Indeed.”

Lev leaned in, pressing his cock to my ass. I froze as his hands landed on the flare of my hips before exploring the curve of my waist and coming up to cup my breasts. I gasped and squirmed, not ready for this, for them, but as gentle as his hands were on my body his arms were like steel beams holding me in place for his exploration. “If you leave this dwelling without our seed in you, on you, marking you with our claim and our scent, you can fall prey to any man who wishes to claim you. Do you wish to be with all three of your matches? Or would you prefer a stranger?”

It was difficult enough keeping up with the men I was matched with. I couldn’t think it would be any easier with a man who did not have any connection with me. And when I saw Drogan in the line of men, I definitely felt the connection. I felt it even more now, with Lev pressed to my back and the other two watching like hunters waiting to strike.

“I don’t want anyone else.”

“Then it is time for us to fuck you.”

“But… you can’t just expect me to lay back and spread my legs?” I pointed to the bed. “It doesn’t work that way for me.”

“Leah,” Drogan said, his thumb swiping over more pre-cum that slid from the tip of his cock. “It doesn’t work that way for us either.”

“That’s… that’s good to hear.” I was flustered and nervous and glad they weren’t rutting beasts, although if I had a little foreplay first, that might not be so bad. “I’m the one that’s going to have to take on three men.”

Tor came up to face me and swept my hair to the side, his hands resting gently on my shoulders, his thumbs stroking my neck. “With your pussy, mouth, and ass all filled at once?”

I shuddered at the images that invaded my mind. I wasn’t ready for that, but my body definitely liked the idea.

“We will not take you like that… today, at least.”

As he kissed the side of my neck, Lev began to undo buttons down my back. I couldn’t see them, but I knew what it felt like for them to be tugged open one at a time.

“I’m… I’m scared,” I admitted, biting my lip.

“Three men would be daunting, especially three Viken men.” Lev crooned from behind me.

“You’ve just arrived here and must be fucked right away. We do not doubt your feelings, but you should not be fearful of us. We will only bring you pleasure.” Tor kissed my neck once again, the heat of his mouth gentle and yet very arousing. It was a simple gesture and I liked it much more than being tossed on the bed and forced.

“We would never hurt you. We will never let anyone hurt you,” Lev vowed.

The others murmured their agreement.

“I can see you are aroused by us,” Tor commented.

I frowned. “You can?” My pussy was damp, but surely they couldn’t know that.

“Your cheeks are flushed,” Lev said. “Your nipples are hard.”

I looked down at myself and sure enough, my nipples stood out against the fabric of my dress, so I crossed my arms over them. Of course, that only made my cleavage practically bulge out the top.

“Is this dress normal for Viken?” I felt like I stepped out of an Old West movie, except these men were definitely not cowboys.

“Yes,” Drogan said. “While a woman should be modest in front of others, a female is expected to be anything but with her mate.”

“Mates,” Tor clarified.

“I am… aroused by you.” I looked at each of them as I admitted this. “It’s not normal though, to just fuck three strangers.”

They glanced at each other. “I sense your continued reticence and we wish to make it easier for you. I will cover your eyes.” Drogan held a long strip of cloth up and I bit my lip. “While all three of us will be here, touching you, pleasuring you, you will not know whose mouth is on your pussy, whose hands are cupping your breasts, whose cock is deep inside you. Perhaps not seeing the three of us tend to you will be easier to accept.”

Chapter Four


Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy