Page 12 of Assigned a Mate

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“I am a stranger to you, but I am your mate. It is difficult. I understand.” His hand str

oked over the hot skin he’d struck. It was odd, the dichotomy of his harsh spanking followed by a gentle caress. He was not a cruel man. I knew this already. “The bindings, your position, they are symbolic of our way of life, of the gift of yourself to me. This first claiming is a ritual that has existed here for hundreds of years. This is the way I must take you, and mark you as mine with my seed. It also ensures that we are compatible; however, I do not need to fuck you to know you were made for me. Your pussy is eager and my need for you is almost painful.”

He bent over me next, his hard length coming into contact with me in a very intimate way. His hard chest blanketed my back and I felt my body yield to his power, his dominance, as he whispered in my ear. “You are bound, so your body knows I am the one in control. You can let go of your fear, Evelyn Day. You are powerless to whatever I command.”

He parted my folds and circled my entrance as he spoke. I cried out. I couldn’t help it. There was something about his touch, as if it were electrically charged, no matter how much I fought him. It made my pussy tingle, my skin heat, my blood thicken. One finger slipped in. I could only imagine how his huge cock would feel stretching me. I wanted to see the tips of his fingers glistening with my arousal where they gripped my hips, the picture we would make with his large body covering me, his hips in place for a very thorough fucking.

And Goran watching it all, watching Tark’s cock disappear inside me. Both men’s gazes on me. There.

“Resist if you wish, but I will make you come.” Tark stood and I bit my lip to stop the sigh of disappointment that rushed up my throat at the loss of contact.

I wanted to continue to fight, to dislike what he was doing, for I had to be some kind of slut to be aroused so brazenly by a stranger. By being watched. Bent over and bound. This ache in my pussy was impossible to rationalize. The soft hum of the vibrator on my clit proved he wanted me to have pleasure. Either Tark was remarkably skilled, or regardless to his words to the contrary, they’d given me some kind of arousal agent so I would be more susceptible to his advances.

As he slid a second finger in to join the first, I didn’t really care. It was not easy to remain still. I wanted to shift my hips, to move into his touch, to take his finger even deeper. I couldn’t move, though, couldn’t do anything except take whatever he gave.

I didn’t know this man, had only been awake for a short time, but I wanted another orgasm. This time by Tark himself, not some weird alien body probe.

“Have you been fucked before?”

When his finger rubbed over a spot inside, I couldn’t think, couldn’t respond. I could only cry out. When he slipped his finger from me, leaving me empty and unfulfilled, I moaned. “Don’t stop.”

“Then answer my question.”

I shifted on my toes. “What… what was the question?”

“Have you been fucked before?” he repeated. His voice was dark and rough.


His fingers slid inside of me again. I groaned.

I heard the rustle of fabric, saw him step closer to me just before he pulled his fingers free and felt the nudge of his cock at my entrance. “I may not have been your first, Evelyn Day, but I am your last.”

His cock was large and as he pushed forward, I felt myself widen and stretch around him. He did not relent, did not give me time to adjust, just filled me completely.

I groaned as my body felt invaded. Owned. One hand gripped my hip, the other my shoulder as he began to move. In. Out. Hard. Fast. He moved, and I bit my lip, taking whatever he gave me.

“You will come, gara.”

I shook my head, my hair falling down over my face. With every hard thrust, I imagined my mother’s arms crossed, her brows raised in judgment. This was so wrong. “I just… I can’t.”

He leaned over me, pressing into my back, and filled me with one hard, rapid thrust. The press of his body against my sore bottom only added to the feelings coursing through my body. “I command it.”

I’d never been taken like this before. My last partner had been attentive, but not overly focused. He’d left me unfulfilled and uninterested in sex. But Tark? I had no idea how he could wield his cock in such a way to rub over places inside me that I never knew existed. My fingers were slippery on the handles. I clenched my teeth as the chain between my breasts swung with every thrust.

I shook my head, frustrated. Tears filled my eyes. I was so eager, desperate even, to come. Tark was so good. So hard. So big. “I… I can’t. I never come during… I don’t know how,” I cried.

Tears slipped down my temples and into my hair.

He stilled inside me, tilting his head so he whispered directly into my ear. “You’ve never come with a man’s cock inside you?” His warm breath fanned my neck.

I shook my head. “I can’t… especially knowing someone is watching.”

I felt more than heard his growl, for it came from deep in his chest. “It is my job, gara, to pleasure you. Obviously you can find release, for you came beautifully with the medical probe.”

“Yes, I can come with my vibrator, just not a man,” I admitted.

Tark held himself still deep inside me. “I believe I know what a vibrator is, like the medical probe with the scans, correct? Like the stim pressed against your clit?”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy