Page 11 of Assigned a Mate

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“Tark, I don’t want anyone else here.”

He spanked me again, making my thighs clench. “Call me master.”

“Master, please,” I whispered. “Punish me if you wish, but I… I will not be a whore. I’d rather go to prison on Earth.”

From my position, I could see the men’s legs, but nothing else. Tark came to my side, knelt down, and brushed my long hair out of my face. “I do not know this word whore, but I understand the meaning. No, gara, you are mine. Only mine. No one, and I mean no one, will fuck you, let alone touch you, but me.”

His touch was remarkably gentle on my skin. “But Goran—”

“He must witness and record us for the bride program’s system monitors. That is all. They use recorded neurological reactions to assess other mates and brides for placement. It is standard protocol.”

I frowned, but he said no more and rose to his feet.

As my mind tried to adapt to this new information, Tark went around behind me and stopped to stand where I could see both men’s legs. I heard the sound of a belt, of pants opening just before his fingers returned to probe my core. The sight of Goran’s boots barely two steps behind him made me furious. This would never have happened to me on Earth. Never.

“Standard protocol to be witnessed? To be bent over and fucked like this!” I cried. I fought against my bonds, but there was no give. I would be spanked again for this outburst, for it definitely was impertinence, but I didn’t care. “Is it standard to have my nipples pierced without my permission? And what if I don’t like the chain? What if I don’t want to be adorned?”

As I thought, he spanked me again. The hot sting of it—he didn’t hold back at all this time—had me crying out.

His voice and my position caused a memory to stir in my head, just out of reach. But when a vibration began from the table directly beneath my clit, I remembered. I’d dreamed of this, of being taken like this. Why? How had I seen this when I was on Earth? What had the processing center done to me? In my dream, I’d liked two men talking about me, touching me, fucking me. But that had been a dream.

Not a dream. Some other woman’s recorded experience.

So, that dream in the processing center hadn’t been a dream at all? I’d been reliving the stimulus and body responses of some anonymous Earth woman’s claiming by her mate?

Was some other warrior going to relive this through Tark’s eyes and decide he really wanted an Earth girl?

Holy shit.

Still, the processing center was one thing. I was awake now and this was not the same at all.

I forgot all about it when I felt his fingers sliding in and out of my pussy. “There, gara, that stimulator pressed against your clit should ease your mind. Remember, I will give you exactly what you need.”

“And what is it that I need right now besides off this stupid table?”

He laughed, but didn’t stop stroking me. “You need to come. You are dripping wet.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want to do this with Goran watching. You people are perverts,” I vowed, gritting my teeth at the gentle, yet very deliberate touch.

Tark laughed. “Since we have been matched, Evelyn Day, you must be a pervert as well.”

Me? Like this? Want this? He was wrong. “Asshole,” I muttered.

“You will continue to let her speak to you in such a manner?” Goran asked, his voice sounding very surprised. Why didn’t anyone argue with him?

“You can tell by the color of her beautiful ass she has been spanked for her impertinence with Bron. She has been awake and on Trion for not even twenty minutes. I am enjoying her fire and I am also enjoying seeing my handprints on her ass. She is responding now out of fear of the unknown. Even though she is aroused, her mind fights this. She is an honorable woman, not fucking just any man to quell her desires.

“For that, and that alone, I will allow it. Besides, I will revel in the lush feel of her hips, the softness of her skin.” He stroked one hand down my body, grazing the side of my breast before gripping my waist. “My cock is hard for her and I will enjoy fucking my mate immensely. Evelyn Day, gara, you will like it. Fucking is never a punishment, but a reward. It is my job to see to your needs now. You belong to me.”

He stroked his fingers over my inner lips, then circled my clit. He was rewarding me?

I sucked in a breath at the intense pleasure his light touch elicited. “Then… why do you have to bind me? If you’re so confident in your prowess, then let me up.”

His hand came down on my bottom again, then again.

“Perhaps your impertinence is because you like being spanked. Hmm, your arousal does slip from your pussy as I do it. Something to consider.”

“What?” I cried, but stilled. He thought I liked being punished? That I was arguing with him because I wanted him to continue?

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy