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It's been eight years since I have been with a man and I thought my pussy had taken an extra-long cryosleep like she was in Star Trek. But nope I guess not this heffa is wide awake and more than that this greedy tramp is throbbing like she has a heartbeat. No, nope, hell no! I gotta get out of here, I knew this man was coochie kryptonite, and here I am laying all up on him like a bitch in heat. Fuck subtlety I gotta get outta here before I embarrass myself more than I already have.

I go to move, and I hear his voice as his hand tightens slightly on my ass.

“I know you're awake Savannah.”

My god, does he have to say my name like that.

“Um sorry I'm all up in your personal space like this.”

“I’m not.”

Yep, time to go. I don’t even have a response for that. If I open my mouth, I might propose to him. Fine motherfucker.

“Um I need to use the bathroom, Joshua.”

He finally takes his hand off my ass and in one smooth move stands with me in his arms.

I swear to the Most High this man is not real he can’t be. Ok I give in, I'll be a notch on his belt, headboard or anywhere else he keeps track of his casual encounters.

He slides me down the front of his body to the floor and I swear my legs just plain give out. He holds me up while looking down at me.

“Are you ok, Savvy?”

“Um yeah. Sorry I guess I have to get some circulation to them. I’m good now Joshua, you can let me go.”

He does and directs me to the bathroom where I scurry off like a cockroach when the lights get turned on. I sit my ass on the toilet and try to remember how to breathe like a normal person again. I finish and flush the toilet. I go over to the sink where I wash my hands and look at my reflection in the mirror. Chile, I look like the clown version of gumby. My eye make-up looks like rocky raccoon and my hair is cock-eyed from laying on his chest. I just sigh, pick up the washcloth and try to wash this make-up off until I can get home and use my facial products.

After I wash my face, I notice new toothbrushes and brush my teeth. Then I wet my hands and run through my hair and pull it back into a messy ponytail. These must be his ponytail holders with all that hair on his head. When I finally look somewhat presentable, I finally leave out the bathroom to find Joshua in the kitchen setting up breakfast for us.

“Where did you get breakfast?”

“The resort has a restaurant on site, so I called and had it delivered.”

He’s showered and changed clothes. This man is standing in the dining room barefoot and shirtless with ripped jeans hanging off his hips.

How the hell did I miss the fact that he has his nipples pierced and a chest full of tattoos?

Is breathing really a necessity? I mean I really need an answer to that. Hell, I hope not because I don’t think I’ve taken a breath since he helped me out the car at the restaurant.

I go sit down at the dining table and look at what's for breakfast. He’s ordered pancakes, eggs, grits, biscuits, sausage and orange juice. He sits next to me and we enjoy breakfast like this is something we do every morning. Once we’re done, he takes the dishes and puts them in the dishwasher and throws our garbage away.

“What’s your plans for today?”

“After I take a shower and do something to my hair? I need to start looking for alternate housing, I must get out of the hotel soon. I’ll find something to eat and prepare for the week, school will be starting soon, and I have to be ready.”

“I’d like to take you to dinner again if you’d let me.”

Um...didn’t I say I needed to keep my distance from this man? I obviously have no self-control or common sense when it comes to him. But I'm done for as soon as he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him.

“Dinner Savvy?”

“Ok, Joshua”

“Will you let me pick you up?”

I smile. “I’ll meet you there.”

The idea of having to wait for someone else to take me home just sets my teeth on edge.

Tags: J. Nell Romance