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I nod and signal the waiters. Instantly the pastry chef wheels a table out to our table and begins to prepare our desert table side.As soon as Savannah puts together what the chef is preparing, she squeals and bounces in the seat like a two-year-old.

“How did you know?”

“Know what?”

“That bananas foster is my favorite dessert?”

I chuckle, “I didn’t choose it because it’s my favorite dessert.”

The chef finishes cooking the bananas foster and hands us our dishes.She takes a spoonful and moans around the spoon and I want to both take the spoon and destroy it or become the damn spoon. I do neither however, and begin eating my desert. I moan too as the flavors burst across my tongue.

The chef outdid himself tonight. We eat our dessert in silence and once we are done, I retrieve her coat, take her hand and smoothly pull her from the seat and slide her coat on. We grab our to go boxes that the staff has prepared head out the pod. Holding her close in the lift we float back down to the ground.

“Will you come with me tonight Savannah? Will you follow me somewhere?”

I almost say I’ll follow you anywhere, but I settle with saying, “Yes.”

I help her in her car and go settle in my SUV. Pulling out, I wait for her to pull out behind me. Once I see her behind me, I begin to drive to another one of our properties. I do not want to go to the hotel she is staying at and I do not want to take her back to my place seeing as my brothers and I live in a family compound. So, no privacy there. I frown as I think of the house my brothers and I own and live in together. How would Savvy feel about living in a house with all my pain in the ass brothers? Would she want us to have our own house?

We obviously felt we’d be forever bachelors. How did we not think this far ahead? Oh well I guess I better put some plans together to remodel the house. I turned into the resort after about twenty minutes of driving. I pull up to the security gate and show him my owners pass and tell him the car behind me is with me. He opens the gate and lets us in. I drive down the main road of the resort until I reach the end and pull into a semi-circle drive in front of the resort house my brothers and I own. Savannah pulled up behind me and cut the engine. I was at her door before she could reach for the handle opening her door to help her out the car.

“This is amazing! Do you live here?”

“No this is our vacation home.”

“Oh,” she says in a small, dejected voice.

“I did not take you to my home for a couple of reasons. One, I did not want you to think I was lying about pressuring you to fuck me.”

“And second?”

“I wanted to have you to myself and my brothers and I live in a family compound. The house is more than twenty thousand square feet, but I swear with all eight of us it feels like it is only two hundred square feet.”

“I understand.”

We enter the three thousand square foot loft style home. I take the food to the kitchen as Savvy walks to the back wall that is made entirely of glass. The top floor and lower floor walls are retractable. I walk behind her and hug her to me and much to my pleasure she melts naturally into me. We stand there just looking out at the water and lights and the boats that are taking a late-night sail. She rests her hands-on top of my hands and lays her head on my chest.

I turn her in my arms and look down at her, while she looks up at me, I lean down and place a kiss on her forehead. I want to take her lips, but I know I will break every promise I have given to her. No need to tempt fate, and I walk her over to the sofa.

“Do you want to take off your shoes and coat and get comfortable?”

“Yes, thank you.”

She hands me her coat and I wait and watch as she sits to take off her shoes. The split opens and shows a delectable portion of her thigh. I take her shoes and coat to the front closet. While she sits on the sofa, I grab the food and some glasses with the lemonade I poured. I bring it all over to the coffee table and set it down. I light the fireplace that is built into the coffee table and sit on the sofa right next to her.

“What perfume are you wearing?”

“Bulgari,” she reply, and I nods.

I swear I am going to find the damn factory that manufactures that perfume and buy it. No one but her should be able to wear it. Between it, that damn dress and shoes I deserve a medal for not attacking her. But I am a former soldier and I do not let emotions rule me. We begin talking and snacking on our leftovers there is no question either of us shies away from answering. Before we know it we have fallen asleep in each other's arms on the sofa.


I wake up on the most comfortable mattress I have ever had the pleasure of sleeping on. I’m so warm and toasty I don’t want to open my eyes or move from this spot. Just when I am about to settle back down to go back to sleep, I register a hand on my ass and another across my lower back.

Oh my gosh, did I fall asleep on top of Joshua? Yes, I did. Please God tell me this is not happening. How the hell am I supposed to get off of him without waking him up? And did I drool on him, please for all that is holy tell me I did not drool on this man’s most likely thousand-dollar shirt. I’m mortified. Whose dumb ass idea was this anyways? Oh yeah mine. I obviously need adult supervision, since I seem incapable of making any sensible decisions on my own.

I get ready to try to get off Mount St. Joshua when a few other things register at the same time. First, I am sandwiched between his thighs and second what the hell is that I feel digging into my stomach. Joshua is redefining what heavy artillery is. Lord please don’t let me act a fool over this man.

Tags: J. Nell Romance