Page 31 of Jag

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Little by little the brothers trickle out eventually leaving Jag and I alone. He falls asleep on the sofa and I grab my laptop to get some work done. I get so focused on getting a book list and syllabus ready for class that starts a few days after we get back from moving my stuff here. I love teaching and teaching African American literature is my passion. When Jag kisses my cheek, I damn near jump out of my skin he scares me so bad.

“I’m heading home. I'll call you when I get home.”

And before I can get up, he’s out the door. I finally finish the one syllabus and enter the book list in the online system for the students to access. I put everything up, take a shower and head to bed. As soon as I get in the bed the phone rings.

“Are you in bed?”


“Good, listen I sorry I ran out, but I didn’t want to disturb you, you were in deep concentration. Go to sleep, it's gonna be a busy quick week.”

“Ok good night, Jag”

“Good night.”

Tags: J. Nell Romance