Page 30 of Jag

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This man has on a navy-blue suit, crisp white shirt with a gray, white, and navy-blue tie and handkerchief, navy blue shoes and to add insult to injury all that hair is down, and he has on a navy-blue wide brim pinch front fedora. I’m going straight to hell with a kerosene bodysuit and rollerblades. My mind is not on church, but it is on worshipping this man. Lord let me get in this church.

“Thank you, Joshua.”

“Oh, I’m not Jag this morning?”

“I'm truly trying to behave, can you please let me behave this morning please?”

He chuckles and offers me his arm.Lord is that Creed cologne he’s wearing? Jesus be a fence.We walk into the church and find a seat and settle in to enjoy service.

The choir has the church rocking, and I am up on my feet clapping and singing along. I peek back at Jag to see his reaction and he is singing too! What does he know about good ole fashion gospel music and he’s on beat? I’m impressed. The preacher’s topic was ‘There’s a Rooster in the Henhouse’, from the book of Job.

Jag listened, never went to sleep and didn’t try to rush when service was over. His approval rating skyrocketed with me considering church is a big part of my life and my father is a pastor. He took me to a quick dinner and went back to our respective homes to change and prepare for me to check out and move into the beach house.

Once I am changed and everything is packed, I have enough time to go downstairs to see if I can find Peter and check out. The man at the check in desk tells me Peter is not there today, and then he tells me that my bill has been taken care of. I take my phone out and call Jag

“Hello Savvy, we’re almost there.”

“You paid my hotel bill, Joshua?”



“No. why?

“Because someone did, and I assumed it was you.”

“Well, it wasn’t me, but had I thought about it I would have.”

I just roll my eyes at that. “Well, if you didn’t who did?”

“Did you ask them? Ask them who paid the bill.”

“Ok, see you in a few minutes.” And I hang up. I walk back over to the desk. “Excuse me who paid my hotel bill.”

“The owner,” the attendant says.

My eyebrows damn near slide off the back of my head. “The owner!?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Why would the owner do that? They don’t know me.”

“I am not sure ma’am I can only tell you what’s in the system.”

“Ok thank you.”

I turn around and see Jag and his brothers walking in the hotel lobby. All eyes turn to them and I can’t blame them, these are some fine ass men. Jag walks up to me, kisses me and asks where my stuff is. I tell him in my hotel room.

“Good, I know your Ms. Independent ass you’d try to bring it all down by yourself.”

“I got it all up there by myself,” I respond.

“You got a real smart mouth Savannah, and I can’t wait to teach it a few things.”

My mouth went dry before he could get the last word out good. We head to elevators and head to the room.Once there they grab my stuff and get it downstairs to the car faster than I would have been able to do by myself. It would’ve taken me a few trips. When the valet pulls up Jaasiel gets in my rental and Jag opens his car door for me. And we’re off.

When we pull up to the security gate Jag sets me up with an owner pass which allows me to move freely with no questions asked. We get to the beach house and just as quickly as they moved me out the hotel, they moved me in the house. While they are getting me set up Jaasiel fires up the gas grill and puts some steak, chicken, ribs, corn on the cob, baked potatoes on the grill. He made a quick tossed salad and macaroni salad. An hour or so later we are eating, laughing and generally having a great time.

Tags: J. Nell Romance