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“You’re right. So, what are you thinking of doing?”

“I want to turn my wing into a suite of rooms for Savvy. Also, I want to expand the guest house or build another one for when our kids and my father-in-law come to visit so they can have space and privacy.”

Joseph just stares at me for a long moment with his eyebrows in his hairline.

I roll my eyes. “What?”

He just shakes his head at me and says, nothing.

“I am sure Asher will love to create it for you.”

Asher is a mad scientist of an architect. His designs are second to none.

“I’m sure he will.”

“Thanks for understanding Joseph.”

“Of course, brother.”


I finally reach the hotel. As I walk in the lobby Peter takes one look at me and bursts out laughing.

“Peter stop laughing, you are so extra and loud.”

“Me? I bet your ass was loud last night,” he says, still laughing literally out loud.

“Actually,” he says. “You weren’t making any noise last night. I can see that gait just as tight as it was when you left here last night.”

An older white woman was walking by carrying her Yorkie Poo overheard what Peter said and gasped. I swear she clutched her pearls.

“Well, I never!” She said.

Peter looked at her from her head to her toes and said, “And looking like that, you never will.”

She turned red and walked off in a huff.

I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

“Peter your ass is going to get fired speaking to the guests like that.”

Peter rolled his eyes and said, “Ms. Errington, please! Ain’t nobody firing me! She needs some dick so all her joints and tight ass personality can loosen the hell up. Cause I’m sure that’s the only thing that’s still tight on her is her fucked up antebellum southern personality.”

“Peter,” I say and shake my head, the man is incorrigible.

“Hush, what did happen last night?”

“We fell asleep talking.”

Peter just looks at me for a second. “I want to meet him.”

“How do you know I’m going to see him again?”

Peter bursts out laughing again and says, “I want to meet him.”

“We’ll see, I’m making no promises.”

“Of course, now go take a shower and make yourself presentable please. You look like a lady of the night.

Tags: J. Nell Romance