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Chapter 4


I stand there and watch her drive away, again. And I am just about over watching her leave me. I need to step my pursuit up if I want to have the future, I want with her. When she woke up this morning, I knew the exact moment. I could feel the changes in her breathing and her heart rate.

Waking up with her sprawled across my chest was the best feeling I have had in a long time. Holding onto her was perfection. I know I’m an ass but seeing her embarrassed and running to the bathroom was the cutest thing ever. She looked a cute mess with her mascara and eye make-up a mess and her hair lopsided, and I’ll never forget it. She might as well get used to looking like a mess in front of me, because I plan to fuck up hair, make-up and change her walk every chance she gives me. I wanted to spend the day with her laying around the beach house, but I know she had things she needed to take care of. I get in my SUV and head home. As soon as I walk in the house, my stupid ass brothers start with the bullshit.

“Damn, look at what the cat dragged in.”

“That's not what your ugly ass wore out of here last night.The sexy nerdy professor, huh?”

“You all are like a bunch of old ass women sitting around gossiping.”

I don’t say anything as they laugh their asses off and walk out the kitchen. Well, all of them … except Joseph.

“You fucked her already? I thought she was different Joshua.”

“Do you really think that little of me?”

Joseph just smirks at me and I remember who I’m talking to. He and I have damn near the same track record with women.

“I didn’t sleep with her, well actually I did sleep with her, but I mean that in the literal sense of the word.”

“So, you are telling me you spent the night with her and didn’t have sex?”

“Yes, that’s what I’m telling you”.

“Hmm she is different.”

“Joseph she is my wife, she just doesn’t know it yet.”

His eyebrows disappear. “Marriage? You?”

“Yes, jackass! You act like I can’t get married.”

“Nah, it ain’t that. I just never thought any one of us wanted to get married, especially not you.”

“I was never against marriage. Mom and dad showed us what a loving marriage could be. I just never thought I would find the woman who’d make me want that with her.”

Joseph nodded in understanding.

“She’s been single for a while and had a fucking selfish narcissist she was with for twenty years, so I need to break down the bullshit that is still lingering in her. She doesn’t even realize some shit she’s holding onto and I know I just met her, but I know her, my soul knows hers.”

As I am talking to Joseph my phone alerts me that I have a message. I look at my phone and it’s the text from Savvy letting me know she’s made it back to the hotel safely.

I do not realize that I am smiling until Joseph comments about it.

“Look at that smile.”

“Shut up. Listen, I need your help, are you going to help me or not?”

“Hell, yeah I like her especially the effect she already has on you.”

“Well, you can help by helping me make some changes to this house, I got a wife, kids, and grandchildren to prepare for.”

“Joshua, I just have to ask, are you sure you are not moving too fast?”

“When have you ever known me to not know my mind or move impulsively?”

Tags: J. Nell Romance