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Chapter Nineteen


I can’t believe how quickly our time here has gone and that it’s almost time to head home. Shit, better not call it home around Aadi, they’ll blow a fuse. Smalls might be accepting of my decision to stay in the UK when everything is over, but I don’t think Aadi ever will be.

It’s been an amazing trip but seeing the boys moving on with their life and discovering that they’re no longer in our family home, waiting for my return, has given me the boost I needed. I’ve been on the fence, worrying about committing to The Order and debating what to do after my time at Knox is over. Now I know that whatever happens, I no longer feel obliged to come back here for someone else. I can at least choose what I want for once.

I slip out of bed and take a shower before anyone else wakes up. It’s sweet really that Aadi and Smalls came home to play happy families while I was here, but I’d rather have hot water. It’ll be my last chance for a couple of days until we get home. Kalen fucked up the flights and we have a stupid layover somewhere, and all I can think is I just want to get home to the rest of my guys. Don’t get me wrong, being here with Kalen has been amazing, but nearly two weeks away with just him has me about ready to cry. I need some adult company. I miss Sawyer’s wisdom, Slate’s calming presence, Onyx’s snark. God I miss them so much. I’ve been so busy making sure Kalen had a good time, that it’s just hitting me now how much I need to reconnect with the others. Especially Onyx. I need to see that he’s okay to believe it.

I gently tap on Kalen’s door as I make my way back to my room to get dressed. I need to finish packing but I want to check on him first. A groan of pain comes from within, so I open the door without waiting for an invite.

“Are you okay?” I ask with amusement lacing my voice. I don’t have any sympathy for him.

“I’m dying. Go away. Call my family to fly out here for my funeral.”

Yesterday was Easter, and while it’s not usually such a big deal for us, Chelsea – surprise, surprise – went all out to make Kalen feel ‘at home’. We had a massive Easter egg hunt all around the neighbourhood, played games, and had another barbecued feast fit for a king. Only Kalen discovered that he loves Aussie chocolate and ate the lot in one go.

As in, all of his chocolate. Then Smalls and Aadi thought it would be funny to give the kid with ADHD theirs too. He stole mine in a sugar frenzy and when he later crashed from the high, Chelsea took pity on his huge puppy dog eyes and shared hers with him too. Only my dad was safe from Kalen’s theft and that’s because he always has beer instead of chocolate and Kalen doesn’t really like the stuff all that much.

“Oh Kalen, stop being melodramatic. I told you not to eat so much chocolate.”

“But it tastes sooooo good,” he whines.

“Zero sympathy. Get your lazy ass up and shower before the boys steal all the hot water. They’ll do it just to mess with you, you know. And then pack all your crap. We have stuff to do today before we catch our flight.”

“What stuff? I just wanna chill.”

“You can chill on the flight. We have to go say bye to my grandmother.”

At my words, Kalen sits bolt upright in bed, wincing and turning a funny shade of green from the sudden movement. He groans again.

“Grandmother? How is it possible that I’ve been here a fortnight with you, and have met every relative, friend and hanger-on in the damn state, and you’re only just now mentioning a grandma?!”

“It’s a long story.”

“I sense dirt. And I really want the juicy details, but I feel sick—”

“Go! Get to the bathroom then! If you throw up, Chelsea will make you clean it up yourself.”

“That’s savage.”

“If it’s self-inflicted, you’re fair game.”

“Chelsea loves me, she wouldn’t do that to me.”

“She would and she will. Puke is a hard limit for her.”

“But I’m poorly!”

“Kalen, you have a damn bellyache from eating too much sugar. Suck it the fuck up, and shut up!” I snap, losing my patience with him.

“Fine.” He huffs, flinging back the covers and climbing from the bed. He’s completely naked.

“Kalen!” I hiss. “You can’t sleep naked in a guest bed!”

“Ooops, bit late for that.” He glances down at the pile of discarded clothes he’s dumped on the floor. “Can you get me my pants? I can’t bend down.”

“For fuck’s sake!”

Tags: Crystal North Romance