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“Amelie, what was that?! Amelie! Answer me!”

“What the fuck, Kalen?!” I stammer, my heart still lodged in my throat. He walks calmly around the bed and takes the phone from my hand.

“Sucks to be you, douche,” Kalen says with a smirk before hanging up the phone. He takes a big step towards me.

“Who dobbed me in? It was Sawyer wasn’t it? Once a teacher, always a teacher. Damn snitch.”

“Doesn’t matter. You’re supposed to be enjoying your holiday.”

How am I supposed to enjoy myself? Onyx is still not 100 percent. I miss Marshmallow. I miss Elsie, Slate and Sawyer...and even bloody Frost and Jasper! And to top it off Smalls is being weird.

“Okay, bossy britches, get out so I can get dressed.”

He willingly leaves, and I throw on something comfy. Knowing Chelsea, she has the entire day mapped out and we all need to make sure we wear the appropriate clothing and shoes. One time, we learned the hard way when we all wore thongs. I’m not sure if Smalls or I had the worst sunburn on our feet.

Traipsing downstairs, I see straight away that Chelsea and Kalen are equally excited. My father is packing an Esky, Smalls is on the sofa looking at his phone, and Aadi scowls at me as I walk into the room.

“This is all your fault,” Aadi snaps.

“How is this my fault?”

“You brought that home.” He points to Kalen and I laugh when I take in what he is wearing. He looks like a stereotypical dad on vacation. He has on khaki shorts, a button up Hawaiian shirt, sneakers with white socks pulled up, a wide brimmed hat, and a bum bag.

“OK. It’s my fault.” Smalls snorts.

“Do you have an issue?” I snap at him. He looks up, ready to fight back, just as my father walks into the room.

“If you three ruin Chelsea’s day, so help me god you will all wish for death. So whatever bullshit you have going on, it stops now and you will all smile and enjoy yourselves until we get home.”

“Sure,” Aadi agrees.

“Sorry Dad, I think we all just need some coffee,” I add.

“Jason?” Dad questions and we all look at Smalls.

“It’s all sweet over here,” he says, avoiding eye contact with me.

“Good,” my father snaps. “Get your asses in the bloody minivan.”

We all stand and make our way to the car, Kalen helping my father carry the Esky. Aadi and Smalls take the first seats in the van and Kalen and I have to take the back. Chelsea even gives Kalen control of the music and we end up listening to Chelsea’s Blondie playlist. ‘Heart of Glass’ spills through the car, Smalls groans and puts his headphones in and Aadi follows suit. I don’t blame them, both Kalen and Chelsea sing very off key, but the smiles are well worth it.


Two hours, and one pee stop later, we arrive at Australia Zoo. Kalen is buzzing with excitement, taking in everything around him.

“Take a picture of me in front of the sign?” Kalen asks, thrusting his phone at me. “Make sure you take a few so I have options to put online.” He races into position. I peek a glance at Smalls, still hurt he won’t look at me. He shakes his head at Kalen and I flip him off. Aadi gives us a serious look, as if to say ‘knock it off’.

We take our time exploring, watching Kalen’s face light up at each enclosure, taking photos of all the animals. I must admit bringing Kalen here was a fantastic idea, even better than when we brought Chelsea's niece.

Dad and Chelsea walk hand in hand, while Aadi and Smalls trail behind talking amongst themselves. I hang back and wait, hoping to talk to Aadi. Small notices and walks away.

“Hey, sis.” I cringe. I knew letting Kalen say it would come back to bite me on the ass. “What’s going on between you and the big man?”

“You don’t want to know, it could result in a few deaths and I can’t have any more of that on my conscience.” I laugh nervously because Aadi would slaughter Smalls for wanting me, Kalen for sleeping with me, and me for getting caught.

“I want to ask you a favour,” I murmur nervously, glancing over at Kalen who is running for the kids’ zoo.

“You know I would do anything for you,” he says, throwing his arm over my shoulder pulling me close as we walk together.

Tags: Crystal North Romance