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I never thought I could hate her more than I did when she abused and then abandoned me, but I was still young and desperate for love. I guess I still am, I’ve just learnt that it can be found in the arms of others. However, finding out that she isn’t really my mum and that there really was no reason for the sick things she used to do to me, has somehow made it worse. I vow revenge. I will use whatever resources The Order have at their disposal to bring her down and make her pay. For good.

“You’re plotting, sis. Do share. You know I love to fuck shit up. I like to consider myself the king shenanigator.”

“Just thinking about Laura. What the hell is a shenanigator?”

“It’s a person who instigates shenanigans. They’re my speciality. You dragged me out here in the middle of the night to plan a murder?”

“Does that turn you on?” I smirk. I did not drag him out here to plan a murder, no matter how appealing that might be. I’m on holiday and if I’m not allowed to call and fly home to Onyx on a whim, I’m certainly not thinking about The Order and 101 ways to kill a bitch with a paperclip or whatever weird voodoo shit they like to teach.

“No. Why would it?” He frowns at me, completely missing my teasing tone. “Unlike some people who are all into kinky sex and need to be punched in the throat with their leg in a bear trap to be able to come, I’m good with plain old vanilla.”

“Kalen, firstly? There’s nothing vanilla about your monster cock.” He preens at that and it takes all my strength not to slap his big head. “Secondly, planning a murder isn’t kinky sex. It’s not sex at all.”

“Well, are we planning murder or did you drag me out here for kinky sex on a bouncy castle?” he huffs.

“This isn’t kinky either,” I say, looking around the brightly coloured children’s castle. “Inviting an audience to watch us would be kinky. Besides, you were the one whining about needing to be taken care of. Are we doing this or what?”

“Jeez, sis, when you proposition me so enticingly, how could I possibly say no?”

“Just hurry up and get naked before we get caught,” I snap impatiently. Honestly, I wish I never answered the damn call now.

“Ah-ha!” He snaps his fingers in triumph. “So you’re not as kinky as you like to think you are, otherwise you wouldn’t care about being caught.”

“When have I ever said I’m kinky, Kalen?” I scowl at him.

“My brothers talk.”

“Have I ever said I’m unhappy with the way you and I do things?” I ask.

“Well, no but—”

“But nothing, butthead. I love…” I quickly catch myself and change tack. “I love having sex with all of you for different reasons. You give me something none of them can—”

“Extra inches.” He sounds bitter but still looks smug about it. I chuckle.

“That, and the best friendship. I’m not as close to any of them as I am to you. You make me laugh the most. You were the first to accept me, to like me. You’re the one who saved me when Onyx…” Again I trail off, unable to go there. “I love our sex. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Kalen smiles at me – a genuine beaming smile that lights up his entire face – and it makes me feel all warm inside. I don’t know why he was acting all butthurt but I’m glad I’ve made him feel better. Without lying. I meant every word.

He leaps at me, grabbing my waist and tackling me to the floor of the jumping castle, where we bounce together and I laugh. Pinning me, he straddles my hips and gazes down at me with love. That warm feeling inside of me grows. I made the right choice. Not just in coming here to Australia with him, but in returning to the UK after I ran away last year. In going back after fleeing when Onyx got hurt. In resolving to forgive them and let go of the anger. In deciding to join The Order.

“Kiss me, you g—” I’m just about to say ‘goof’ when Kalen descends on me and gives me the sweetest kiss. Even as our lips touch, I can’t help the smile that stretches across my face. When he’s not making me laugh and getting into mischief, or bragging about his monster cock or winding everyone up, he’s actually unbelievably sweet. The size of his heart can rival his ego and his cock for sure.

He distracts me with more kisses, dotting them all over my face like a pecking hen, making me laugh. I try to push him away but he grinds his hips into mine and I gasp. That is not playful at all. Kalen gives me a wicked grin, leaning in slowly so that my breath catches. I’m so sure he’s going to kiss me properly this time, but at the last second he ducks past my lips and licks the length of my cheek.

“Eww! Kalen!” I whine.

“What’s the matter sis?”

“I thought you were going to kiss me.”

“I have been. Watch.” He returns to his light teasing pecks and I groan.



“Kiss me!”

Tags: Crystal North Romance