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“Oh my god,” he groans orgasmically.

“Kalen! Save some for the children.”

“Give it back! It’s mine. They can get their own fairy heaven bread.”

“It’s just called Fairy Bread you idiot.”

“Nope. It’s heaven. I love how it crunches when I chew.”

“Well, I do not!” I laugh. “Close your mouth while you chew.”

“It’s sooooo good, Amelie.” He closes his eyes in bliss. “You should have some.”

“Thanks, I’ll pass. I grew out of eating that when I was eight.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing.” Suddenly his eyes open and he’s staring at me with a wild, wired kind of look.

“I need to make more fairy food!”

“What? No, Kalen, you don’t.”

“Fairy juice! I want to make fairy juice. I can mix soda and sprinkles!” He races into the house excitedly, calling out for Chelsea. I shake my head, letting him go. He can be her annoying problem for a while.

An hour later, I watch with barely concealed amusement as Kalen screams and charges at the jumping castle, twenty sugar-hyped kids following in his wake. They’re enamoured by him, staring at him like he’s a god or something.

I sip my Corona and lime and let him get on with it. If he wants to provide free party entertainment, there isn’t an adult here who will stop him. I glance around the back yard and see everyone is having way more fun at this party than we usually do for the kids’ events. Kalen and Chelsea went all out on the food, the decorations, the gifts...everything.

I’m groaning under the weight of the platter of seafood I just polished off when Aadi and Smalls come sit by me.

“What the fuck is wrong with that guy, Milly?” My brother asks, shaking his head. I laugh.

“He’s just having fun, letting off some steam.”

“Is he always like this?” Smalls joins in.

“Pretty much, only he doesn’t have such a captive audience at home. His brothers tend to get tired of his crap much sooner and shut him down.”

“Home?” Aadi says sharply, making me cringe.

“You know what I mean. We were talking about Kalen, the UK is his home.”

“So long as you remember that this is your home.”

I nod to keep him happy, but I’m not convinced. Knox is my home for the next three years. Maybe longer. And what about The Order? What then? Do I have to stay in the UK because I’m part of that now? They say home is where the heart is...if that’s true, the UK is fast becoming my home.

“I’m surprised anyone can shut him down,” Smalls says. “He seems out of control to me.”

“He has ADHD,” I explain.

“Milly! Do you have any idea how much sugar he’s had?!”

I shrug. “Relax. It’s a party and he’s on holiday.”

“He knows how to throw a kid’s party though, I’ll give him that.” Smalls smirks, but I can tell he’s impressed that Chelsea and her niece have had such a lovely time. “I just thought, with how all out he’s gone, that he would have hired a clown too.”

I laugh.

“He’s terrified of clowns. Some stupid shit when he was younger. He made me promise we wouldn’t have any at this party.”

Tags: Crystal North Romance