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“With Laura.”


“No. She has to pay for what she’s done.”

Smalls sighs but nods his head in acceptance.

“Now can I ask you a question?”


“What’s with all the dodgy types at the funeral?”

“I don’t know, I can’t control who comes to the guy’s send off can I?” He looks away and I can tell he’s lying , the question is why. I decide to let it go for now.

“Will you wait for me to shower?” He asks, changing the topic and lumbering to his feet. I nod and he walks away.

While he’s gone, I look around his room. Not much has changed since we moved here. There’s fewer posters of half-naked women on his walls and a bigger bed now, but that’s all.

I pick up the photo on his bedside table and smile. I remember the day this was taken. It wasn’t long before my attack. I look happy in the picture, clinging to his back like a baby monkey. I’m not sure I’ve smiled like that in a long time.

Smalls’ phone vibrates and I glance at the screen. It’s Yasmin, a friend of his. He mentioned she couldn’t make it today.

“Hey,” I say, deciding to answer the call.

“Amelie?” she asks cautiously.

“Yep, it’s me.”

“Oh my god, it’s been so long. Smalls has told me all about your UK adventure and those boys.”

I laugh. Of course he has. “It has been an interesting adjustment.”

“How is he? I feel like a shit friend for not being able to come, but so much is going on here.”

“He’ll be fine, I think it’s more the shock that the guy wasn’t much older than him and had a family.”

Smalls walks back into the room, a towel wrapped around his waist and I blink. We may have drawn a line and know where each of us stands but I’m not immune to all that.

“Uh, Smalls just got out of the shower so I’ll pass you over. It was nice talking to you again.”

“You too,” she says and I hand the phone to Smalls, who looks down at the caller ID and smiles.

“Hey shorty, what’s up?” That’s what I love about him; no matter how he feels, his tone doesn’t give away his pain. Always trying to protect other people.

“I’ll come back up and check on you soon,” I whisper and he nods. I close his door to give him privacy.

I don’t know much about his and Yasmin's friendship. All I know is that her dad helped Smalls a lot before he came to live with Chelsea. Saved his ass a few times too. I’ve got respect for the entire family for that. Lord knows, Smalls needs some good people in his life. Especially now.

I slip into my room to make a phone call. First, I try Baxter’s number but it’s disconnected. Wanker. So I call Sawyer. I’m not ready to face the twins.

“Hey, how much do you need?”

“Huh?” I ask, Sawyer's opening line throwing me for a loop.

“Well, you’ve been there twenty-four-hours now, and you’re calling, so I’m assuming it’s because you need bail money for Kalen.”

I laugh.

Tags: Crystal North Romance