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And I’m scared shitless I’m going to mess it up.

When Dax and Sara take a breather, Sara’s eyes meet mine across the room. She grins at me, a beautiful flush creeping up her neck. Then she winks at me before turning back to listen to whatever Dax is telling her.

This is so happening. Even if it ends in destruction, I couldn’t stay away from her if my life depended on it.

I walk toward the ring, my eyes glued to the play of muscles in Sara’s legs. “Got enough gas left to show me your moves?” I ask, leaning my arms against the ropes.

“You sure you want to chance it? Wouldn’t want to ruin your bad-boy reputation,” Sara taunts.

A laugh bursts from my chest. I know she’s fully capable of taking me down. She’s only been taking lessons for a little over a week, and she’s almost able to take down Dax.

“Careful man, she’s lethal.”

Sara grins at Dax’s praise.

I jump into the ring and throw on some gear. “Show me what you got, Shortcake.”

With a glare, she squares up with me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a crowd forming around the ring. Everyone here knows I’m a fighter. I’m decent at it, too, so they know this will be a good show. My attention solely on the woman in front of me, I make the first move, jabbing at Sara’s ribs. She blocks, countering it with a jab to my solar plexus. Round and round we go, trading jabs, each of us putting more effort into our hits.

I’m having a hard time focusing on the fight, completely distracted by my opponent. The flush in her cheeks, the wisps of hair falling from her messy bun framing her face, the way her chest heaves when trying to catch her breath. All I keep seeing is her exactly like she is, surrounded by white sheets, her hands tied to the headboard.

Sara takes advantage of my distraction, grabbing my arm, wrapping her leg around mine, and taking me straight down to the mat with a thump. My breath puffs out of my lungs with the impact as the crowd cheers her on. All I can see is Sara’s gleaming hazel eyes hovering over my head as she gloats. It takes every ounce of control I possess not to wrap my hand around her neck and pull her body down onto mine. If there wasn’t a crowd, I would’ve done it.

“I win.” She laughs, making me grin back at her. She holds a hand out to help me up as the crowd whistles their approval before breaking up.

“Don’t think this game is over yet, Shortcake,” I say low in her ear so only she can hear. “We’re only just getting started.”

The shiver that moves up her spine tells me she knows exactly what I’m talking about while the heat in her golden eyes says she is ready for whatever comes next. I shift away from her, giving myself some room to breathe before I strip her down in the middle of the gym.

“We need to work on your form, princess,” Dax taunts.

“I’m only as good as my teacher, right?” I throw back at him. I haven’t trained with him since Sara took my spot, so I’m rusty. Sara’s also just good enough to take down a six-foot-five man. Pride be damned, she’s 100 percent better than me.

With a quick punch to my arm that makes my fingers tingle, Dax jumps out of the ring.

Sara and I follow behind, grabbing our stuff from the floor. “You really are a natural. I’d happily get my butt kicked by you any time.”

Sara looks up at me as if she doesn’t quite believe my words. I get it. I’m a mountain of a man with asshole tendencies. You’d never guess I’d be cool with getting beat by a girl. However, this girl deserves every accolade.

“Thanks. It feels good to know I have the skills now.” She says it so quietly I almost don’t catch her words. The impact of them is still the same. With how good of a fighter she is, it’s hard to remember the reason she’s learning all of this in the first place.

“Want to come over?” Her eyes are wide, vulnerability seeping out of them. I’m just not sure if it’s because of the attack or because of what might happen when I come over.


“I’ll meet you at my house, then.”

All I can do is nod my head. I’m not sure what she wants from me tonight. I thought I knew a few minutes ago when we were in the ring, but after mentioning the attack, I’m not sure what she has in mind. It doesn’t matter either way. As long as I get to spend more time with her, then I’m good.

Although, if I’m honest, I would really like to have sex with her tonight. It’s been close to torture this week, having her so close and not being able to do a single thing about it.

It only takes us a few minutes to get to her house before we’re walking up the sidewalk and inside. Koda and Luna greet us with wagging tails, following Sara closely as she walks into the kitchen.

“Do you want a drink?” She’s drumming her fingers on the counter, not quite making eye contact.

“Sara, look at me,” I say, stepping into her space. When her eyes meet mine, it feels as if my whole world tilts back to normal. Like it’s finally right-side-up, all because I have her full attention on me. “Tell me why you’re nervous.”

“I haven’t done this in a while.”

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance