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“More than likely, yeah.” Sara smirks at me.

“You’re enjoying the idea of me suffering, aren’t you?”

“Definitely.” This time, she grins.

“Evil woman.”

“What can I say? A little payback for covering the clinic in your angry cloud all week is deserved.”

She’s right, of course, but I don’t let her know that. Instead, I glare at her. “Leave me be to suffer alone, then.”

“Yes, sir.” She salutes, then hightails it out of the clinic.

God, the mouth on her. That’s the second time she’s said that to me, and I hate how much I like it. I catch myself staring at Sara’s ass as she walks away. I again wonder if she works out. Going by how toned her legs are, I’m inclined to think she does.

I shake my head to disrupt my thoughts. I have no business thinking about a woman like that. It’s not even been a week since I ended things with Rebecca. I shouldn’t be imagining Sara naked, saying ‘yes, sir’ as she drops to her knees.


With a growl, I force myself to walk back into my office and do my job, all the while ignoring how tight my slacks are.



Ican feel eyes on me. Judging, weighted eyes that see so much more than I want him to. I flick my gaze over my phone, coming in contact with dark chocolate eyes staring at me.

“It was just a quick search. It’s not like I’m stalking him or something.”

I swear Koda’s eyebrow raises as if to say, ‘sure you weren’t.’

I look back to my phone at the picture of Benjamin I have pulled up. It’s several years old. When he was in college, if I had to guess. His arms are wrapped around two other guys, and they’re all grinning at the camera, faces sunburned from whatever trip they’re on. He looks like one of those douchebag frat bros, but I don’t believe that description fits him well.

Quickly closing out of the social media app, I sit up on my couch. Koda is still judging me from the floor, calling me out on my lies. I just spent half an hour stalking all of Ben’s social media pages for reasons I’m still not quite sure I understand. At first, it was to see if he had them at all. Then, when I found he did, I fell down the rabbit hole of looking at all his posts and pictures.

He was in a fraternity, went on spring break trips, got a dog, and not a single photo on there was of a woman. There were pictures with groups, and he was tagged in some photos from other girls, but he never posted a photo with a single woman. How is that possible?

He’s a gorgeous specimen of a man. How could he have gone that long without a single photo? His posts started diminishing after college and then stopped altogether a few years ago.

And I’ve officially turned into a stalker.

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, and I’m sitting on my couch, creeping on my not-so-grumpy-anymore boss. I shouldn’t be letting this guy into my head. Especially after how disruptive he’s been already. Giving him any more space is only going to create more chaos in my life. Which I don’t need.

“Why didn’t I listen to you, Koda?”

He harrumphs, which I take to mean he has no clue and that he’s brilliant and should always be listened to.

“How about a visit to the park?” I grin. Both Koda and Luna jump up from their beds, scrambling toward me with so much excitement I’m worried they’re going to hurt themselves.

With a laugh at their crazy antics, I change out of my ratty T-shirt and sweats into only a slightly nicer T-shirt and shorts. With the beginning of June finally here, it’s sunny and warm every day now.

I get the dogs loaded up in the car and head to the park. We could technically walk there, but Luna struggles with the sensory overload she experiences on walks: all the smells, the strangers walking by, the sounds. Everything is heightened for her since she lost her eyesight. When we’re at the park, the enclosed dog area is a known comfort zone for her since we go there so often.

After finding a parking space, I get the dogs on their leashes and walk them to the dog area. There are only a couple of other dogs here right now since it’s still mid-morning. In the afternoons, it usually picks up, which can be hard for Luna to navigate.

Letting the dogs off the leash once we’re inside the fence, the two of them take off running. It took Luna a while to get comfortable here, but now that she’s had time to smell, and learn where the boundary is, she flies around this space without a care in the world. Koda keeps pretty close no matter what, but she loves having the freedom to run.

“Fancy meeting you here.” Ben steps next to me, a golden retriever sprinting by us to chase a tennis ball.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance