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Grabbing a book, I sit in the wingback chair in the corner of my room, hoping to get my mind off the look on my dad’s face when I asked about the vet ad. I don’t know what the right answer is in this situation. No matter which path I choose, I’m going to end up hurting someone.

The ringing of my phone pulls me out of the story I’d fallen into, making me realize it’s been a couple of hours since dinner. Rebecca’s name on my phone has me perking up a bit. I’ve been trying to reach her all week, but she either doesn't answer or is too busy to talk when she does.

“Hey, Becks. How are you?”

Silence hangs on the other end of the phone, so I pull it away from my ear to make sure it’s connected. She must have pocket dialed me or something. I repeat her name to see if she’ll realize she’s on the phone with me when I finally hear voices.

“So, you’re sure he’s not coming tonight?” a guy says. His voice is deep and unfamiliar.

“I told you, I confirmed it. We’re fine,” Rebecca responds.

She has no idea I’m on the phone with her. I don’t have any idea who she’s talking to, but I’m pretty sure she’s talking about me.

“Good. I’ll have plenty of time to dirty you up, then,” the man growls. Rebecca giggles, and my stomach drops at the implications of what this conversation means.

I knew things between us weren’t great, but I didn’t think they were this bad. I figured we were both just stressed about this upheaval in our plan; I didn’t think it would make her turn to someone else. God, how could I have been so stupid?

I listen for a few more minutes, solidifying that Rebecca is, in fact, cheating on me before hanging up. This is not what I needed after such a shitty week. Who does something so horrible to the person you were supposed to love unconditionally? She was supposed to be my forever, and now, I have no idea what to do.

Anger floods my system at the injustice of this whole fucking mess. I’ve given up everything to do the right thing. My apartment, my job, my life, and now, the one person who should’ve had my back throughout all of it has betrayed me.

I stand from my chair, grab a duffle bag from my closet, and start throwing clothes into it. Greensboro is only an hour’s drive from here. I will not be a bystander in the explosion of my life anymore. I’m going to finally take back the reins, starting with my cheating fiancée.

* * *

The driveto Greensboro took less time than it should have due to my angry driving. When I left the house, Mom tried to squeeze the details out of me. The truth tasted like ash on my tongue, so I just told her I needed to go back to the city for the weekend.

As I drive through downtown, I take in the flurry of activity of a Friday night. Would I be out and about tonight if I were still living here? Maybe Rebecca and I would be out at a bar, getting a drink, instead of ending our three-year-long relationship. Although, if I think about it, we probably wouldn’t have gone out tonight, even if I were still living here. Rebecca would’ve been out with her friends at some club while I would just be getting back from another shift at the hospital.

Is that why she did what she did? Because we stopped making time for each other? Our relationship started like a movie. I saw her across the bar, our eyes met, and after that, we were inseparable. We spent all our free time together, going on adventures and exploring new places. Somewhere along the way, we must’ve stopped putting each other first. But it doesn’t justify what she did. We were going to get married. If there was a problem, she should’ve talked to me about it.

I feel like such an idiot. I should have seen the signs before now. She’d been pulling further away from me ever since my dad first got sick. At the time, I chalked it up to us both being too busy to make our relationship a priority. That should’ve been an indicator that something was wrong. When life gets stressful, you need a partner who is going to help you through it, not do their own thing while you figure it out alone.

When I pull into the parking lot of Rebecca’s apartment complex, a weight settles into my gut. Despite being the world’s biggest asshole this week, confrontation is not something I enjoy. I am not looking forward to this exchange. If I’m honest, I don’t even know what to expect from Rebecca. She could potentially make a huge scene, playing up the drama she enjoys creating, or she could be completely indifferent. I’m not sure which option I’d prefer.

Turning off my car, I step out onto the sidewalk and make my way into the building. I still have my keys to her apartment, so getting inside is simple. I get into the elevator, trying to figure out what to say before I get there. I figure showing up at all will be saying enough.

Walking down the whitewashed hallways of her apartment complex feels worse than when I walked into the clinic Monday. The dread that swirled in my stomach on my first day is nothing compared to the dread I feel now.

Stepping in front of her door, I debate about using my key, but the idea of walking in on her while she’s in the middle of… No thanks. I take a deep breath, then raise my fist to knock.

And I wait…

Several minutes pass with no answer, so I knock again, significantly more aggressive this time as my anger at the situation burns through me. I know exactly what’s happening behind this closed door. It only makes me seethe with the knowledge of Rebecca’s betrayal.

Finally, the door opens to Rebecca in a black silk robe. Her eyes grow wide when she sees it’s me.

“Surprise,” I say, keeping my voice neutral.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, her gaze darting over her shoulder.

“Thought it would be good to see you. Aren’t you happy to see me?” Sarcasm drips through every word.

“Um, of course I am. I actually can’t hang out right now. Could you maybe come back tomorrow?”

“No, I don’t think I can.” I walk through the doorway, forcing Rebecca to move out of the way. She splutters, trying to get me to stop, but I don’t listen.

“I don’t know who you are, but you can come out of hiding. I know you’re here,” I say, raising my voice so whoever else is here can be a part of this little conversation.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance