Page 8 of Breathing Her Fire

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“Anything else we need to go over?”

“Nope, I think we covered everything for now,” she says, starting to pack up her stuff.

“Fantastic. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Don’t work too late!”

As Emily leaves my office, I debate about heeding her suggestion and going home early today. Even though the library closes at seven, I tend to stay past that most days.

I look around my office and feel a moment of pride. When I took over as director, I knew I’d be spending a lot of time here, so I wanted to put my stamp on the space. The walls are white with gold decorations; a few plants sit in the corner?fake ones because plants are not my specialty?and white visitors' chairs that are so comfortable I sometimes sit in them instead of my desk chair.

My desk is black and usually only has my computer, a pen, and a notebook on top because I hate clutter. I also have a white sideboard behind my desk which holds all the junk you’d normally find in an office. The whole space is me and feels like a second home.

After the events of today, though, I think I’m going to leave early. I know I’ll end up sitting on my couch, thinking about Tucker’s offer, but I’m not getting anything done here anyway. Plus, I have wine at home.

I gather my things and walk to my car, contemplating the fact that I ran away from the potential of having my fantasy guy naked and in my bed. Sometimes I can be a ginormous idiot.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance