Page 59 of Breathing Her Fire

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“Anything for you, cutie.” She winks at me, and before Natalie, I would’ve flirted back. All I can see now is sparkling green eyes, though. I also just realized I should text Nat and tell her what happened.

I’m not used to having someone in my life who would worry about me getting hurt or having to update anyone on my safety. Uncle Jack is always at the scene, so he knows what’s going on when it’s happening. Now I’ve got Nat, and while it’s weird having someone who worries about me, it’s incredibly comforting.

I pull my phone back out, seeing it’s now seven in the morning, and shoot her a quick text letting her know I’m in the hospital but am fine.

A minute later, my phone starts ringing. I should've known she’d call me instead of just text.

“Tucker, are you okay?” she asks frantically.

“I’m just fine, babe. Just got poked and need some stitches.”

“God, I’m so freaked out right now. I’m coming to see you whether you want me to or not,” she demands, and I just smile at her spark.

“Okay, you can come if you want. I’m still in the ER.”

“I’ll see you in a few.”

I hang up the phone, my grin staying on my face. I should’ve known she’d get pissed at me for sending a text and downplaying being in the hospital. I also think the pain meds have kicked in because my body feels languid and there’s no more pain.

“I’m going to take good care of him. I promise,” I hear from outside my room a little while later. My eyebrows furrow at the words.

Then I see her flash of red hair come around the corner. Following closely behind her is the douchebag doctor. His hand is on her shoulder, but I don't think Natalie has noticed. Her eyes are on mine as she comes into the room.

I watch the doctor check out her body, and a growl moves through my chest. “Hands off, Doc.” My face is a mask of anger.

He looks up at me, and his eyes grow wide with fear as he sees the anger swirling in mine.

“S-s-sorry,” he stutters and quickly removes his hands from my girl. “I’ll... I will come back to get that out in a minute.”

I look over at Natalie, and her eyes are glued to my wound. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”

“You have a hunk of metal sticking out of your body. How is it not bad?” she all but screeches. I move to grab her hand and pull it up to my face to distract her.

“I will be fine. Doc says it's not touching anything important. They’re just waiting for my pain meds to kick in to get rid of it. Once it's out, it'll just need a few stitches, and I’ll be good as new.”

Her emerald eyes fill with tears as she looks at me and my heart practically breaks. “Come here.” I pull her into me and she wraps her arms around my neck. I stroke my hand down her silky hair, whispering reassurances in her ear.

She pulls back and leans in to kiss me. Her soft lips pressing against mine have my blood heating up. I fist her hair to keep her against my lips a little longer.

“We’re in a hospital room, and you have a foreign object sticking out of your body,” she says against my lips.

“I know, and I’m still going to kiss my girl if I want to.”

“Okay, caveman.” She grins at me, and I know she’s my spitfire again. I was worried there for a minute, but like always, she doesn’t let anything keep her down. It’s high time I tell her I love her.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance