Page 41 of Breathing Her Fire

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“I’m glad you’re safe.”

A little buzz of happiness steals over my body. It’s nice having someone to worry about you when you're on a call. It’s something I’ve never had before.

“What did you do today?”

“Just chilled mostly. I thought it would be a good idea to eat Thanksgiving leftovers, but they made me incredibly lazy the rest of the day.”

“I wish I was there with you.”

“Me too, but I’m glad you were there to save a life instead.”

“Ya know, we still haven’t played hero yet,” I tease.

“No, we haven’t, but you’re always my hero. Even when we’re not pretending.”


“Yeah, shut up, I’m tired.”

A laugh bursts out of me at her sass. “Hey, I like it.” I hear her huff but can tell she’s smiling.

“What are you doing now?” she asks.

“Sitting in my office, debating whether to go see what the guys are doing or just stay here and get ready for bed. What are you doing?”

“Laying in bed reading.”

“Want to send me a picture?”

“You’ve seen it before. I did it last night.”

“I know, and what happened when I came out of the bathroom and saw you?”

“You ravished me until I couldn't breathe.”


Natalie just laughs, and I relax back into my chair, imagining her in bed, the covers pulled up and her nose in a book. The image has my cock stirring, and I know I need to stop. It’s not a good idea to have a hard-on while I’m on shift. The potential for getting caught with your pants down is astronomical.

“I should go check on my guys.”

“Okay, I hope the rest of your shift goes well. Be safe, please.”

“I will. I’ll talk to you later, sweetheart.”

“Bye, Tucker.” She blows a kiss through the phone and then hangs up.

I walk out of my office with the biggest smile on my face and check on the guys. Everyone seems to be doing well. Most are getting ready for bed, so I head back to my office to do the same.

I strip down to just my boxers and lay on my cot. Closing my eyes, I immediately see Natalie. Her emerald eyes follow me into sleep, where my dreams are filled with her and what our future could look like.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance