Page 36 of Breathing Her Fire

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“Any big ideas for the donations this year?” Steve asks.

“Yes, new computers. I have to come up with fifty percent of the funds, and I’m hoping the town council will cover the rest.”

“Well, you know we’ll be at the gala. I can’t remember if I’ve sent in our RSVP,” Cindy says, and I smile my thanks at her.

“Can we bring dates?” Nolan asks.

“Of course. You can bring whoever you want. Just make sure they’re in formal attire.”

“What date would you bring? It’s not like women want to hang out with you anyway,” Matthew teases.

“I know plenty of women who want to hang out with me,” Nolan says petulantly.

Adam snorts into his cup but doesn’t say anything. He just looks at me and winks.

“I, on the other hand, have my pick of dates for the event,” Matthew announces.

“Oh please. You do not,” Adam retorts. “None of us do.”

“Hey, Nat, if we weren’t like your brothers, which one of us would you be most attracted to?” Nolan asks.

“What the fuck, Nolan? You’re disgusting!” Matthew says while the others also shout at him.

“Language,” Cindy yells above the noise.

“I’d pick Sara.” I wink at Nolan as Sara leans over and hugs me.

“Not fair. You can’t pick her,” Nolan says.

“Sorry, she’ll be my pick every time.” I shrug my shoulders.

As Nolan sulks, the conversation moves along to other things. The rest of the day is filled with laughter and love and all the best things about family.

And this family is special because not only do they love each other with everything they have, they brought in two people not related to them and showed them the same amount of love they show each other. I’ll never be able to tell them how much it means to both me and Mom to be a part of their family.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance