Page 20 of Breathing Her Fire

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For the second time in as many weeks, I’m wearing my buttoned-up good girl look. Instead of a skirt, I'm wearing a light grey pantsuit. I didn’t think I’d have any reason to wear my suits again when I decided not to pursue my business degree, but here I am, crammed into one. Although, I do love getting to wear my kick-ass heels.

My library attire goes better with my fun heels, which I love, but there’s something very powerful about wearing a jacket and pumps, despite how uncomfortable they can be.

I walk across the lobby of the town hall building, my heels echoing in the cavernous room, and push the button to the elevator once I reach the doors. I feel myself grin when I think about the last time I was here with Tucker.

It’s still hard to believe we’re going on a date tonight. I’m both scared shitless and out of my head excited. I can’t wait to get to know the man he’s become from the little boy I used to know.

Since he’s on my mind, I send him a quick message as I wait on the elevator doors to open.

Me: Back at the scene of the crime... heading to a meeting with the council. If I get stuck, will you come rescue me?

Tucker: Absolutely. Just don’t play flip coin with anyone else, please.

Me: Why not? It’s a fun game.

Tucker: Because your secrets are mine now, no one else's.

Me: I think I can get behind that. I’m heading into the elevator. If you don’t hear back from me when I get to the top, put on your fireman hat and come get me.

Tucker: I’m on standby for your text.

I’m kind of hoping I get stuck so Tucker has to come and get me. It’s purely selfish because hello, hot fireman coming to the rescue, but also, I just want to see him again. It’s like this switch has been flipped in my mind now that we’ve established our mutual attraction to each other.

I walk into the elevator, and it quickly whisks me up to the third floor. It must’ve had some coffee this morning because it’s working much faster than normal. The doors open, and while it’s good for my meeting, it’s slightly disappointing.

Me: I made it to the third floor. I’m oddly disappointed now.

Tucker: I’m glad you made it but also wish I could’ve been the hero.

Me: We can play hero some other time. ;)

Tucker: Fuck yes, we will.

Me: I would love to keep this conversation going, but I’ve got to go to my meeting. See you tonight!

Tucker: See you later.

For the first time since becoming the library’s director, I’m smiling as I walk into my meeting with the council. Tucker just does something to me I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to describe accurately.

It’s like the feeling you get after taking a sip of champagne. As soon as those bubbles hit your tongue, a feeling of euphoria descends upon your body, and you immediately feel a happiness steal over you. It’s amazing and hard to fully understand.

Edward beckons me into the room, already starting the meeting off on the right foot. We’re a few minutes early, and with my extra boost of happiness this morning, I am ready to kill this proposal.

“Have a seat, Ms. Carlisle,” Edward says as he sits down next to the five other men sitting around the rectangular table. The men range in ages from forty-five to seventy, and the stereotypical picture of a boardroom meeting is what I see right now.

If I didn’t already have experience dealing with them, and a backbone of steel, I’d be intimidated.

“Good morning, gentlemen. As I’m sure you were already briefed, I’m here to discuss funding for new computers. I’ve put together a proposal I’d like to go over with you all today.” I pass out the small packets of information I’ve put together for the council.

After going back and forth so many times over the years, I’ve learned what questions they’re going to ask and to be prepared for the curveballs they like to throw at me.

“We haven’t had new computers in over fifteen years, and at this point, the technology we do have is obsolete. Patrons are not able to use our computers for anything except creating Word documents, and that has significantly decreased the overall attendance at the library.”

I continue on with my spiel, pointing out things in the proposal so I know they’re following along, at least to some degree. As usual, Edward’s face is completely bored and checked out. I will never understand his complete lack of interest in what I have to say.

Luckily, the other members tend to listen, and at times, agree with the items I propose.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance