Page 2 of Breathing Her Fire

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This skirt is digging into my waist, and I am sweating so bad it’s running down my butt crack. Why did I think a business suit was a good idea? Oh, right, because I have to suck up to a bunch of old dudes who hold the purse strings to my beautiful library. They like the buttoned-up good girl look, so that’s what I’m going to give them.

I’d pretty much do anything for my library. I’ve been the director of the Sonoma Public Library for the last four years, and despite every road block, I’ve managed to do some really great things.

We now offer reading programs and free tutoring, which has doubled our monthly attendance, and I even started a short-term daycare for parents who need childcare while they use the library’s resources. I wore a power suit to get the funding for that endeavor.

Today, I have a meeting with the powers that be to get funding for new computers. We’ve had the same ones going on fifteen years. With how fast technology moves today, they’re just not cutting it. They are too slow to be useful, which makes them completely pointless. Unfortunately, it’s going to be a huge fight to get the funding for new ones, but I’m fully prepared. I’ve got plans on top of plans.

My meeting was supposed to start ten minutes ago. What the hold up is, I’ll never know. It’s also disgustingly hot in this old building, and after sitting here for the past fifteen minutes?I was five minutes early?I am beyond uncomfortable. Hence the digging and sweating.

I wait another ten minutes, and right as I’m about to give up and leave, the door to the conference room opens. I bow my head, exhaling a frustrated breath when my eyes land on a pair of muscular legs I could identify from twenty paces. Maybe... How far is twenty paces?

My eyes roam up those jean-covered legs, taking in the tight T-shirt hiding what I can guarantee is a six-pack, then across the wide muscular chest I’ve had so many fantasies about, I’ve lost count.

I finally make it to his carved-from-stone jaw and follow it up to dark chocolate brown eyes and black hair. He’s the most intimidating man I’ve ever known. He’s also the one I’ve had a crush on since I was eleven. Truthfully, even before that.

Captain Tucker James of the Sonoma Fire Department strides out of the conference room full of grace and power. “Natalie.” He nods at me, and I’m pretty sure his deep raspy voice made my insides liquify.

I’m still staring at Tucker’s ass when Edward?a council member who I’d say looks like Richard Gere but that would be mean to Richard?walks out of the room full of arrogance and addresses me. “Natalie, we only have about ten minutes for your appointment because some of the committee members have prior commitments to attend. Would you like to try and fit everything in quickly or reschedule?”

That’s it.

No apology for being late, no recognition that I’ve been waiting here for over twenty minutes, nothing.

I look at Edward with my eyebrows furrowed, and I bite my tongue before I quip something nasty. They have no problem letting the meeting go long for Tucker but for me, they’ll only give me ten minutes. The good ole boys club strikes again.

“I guess I will just reschedule, Edward,” I say, gathering my stuff. This has been the hardest part of taking over the library. The previous director, Rose, was an adorable woman who loved the library, but she was very traditional and didn’t feel it was appropriate to rock the boat.

Any time I went to her with a suggestion, she would say, “Oh, what a lovely idea. But I’m not sure the council would go for it, so let’s hold on to it for another time.” It was so frustrating, and at the time, I couldn’t figure out why she never wanted to ask the council for anything. Now that I’ve had experiences with them, I understand a little better.

Rose was the director for thirty years, and I can’t imagine sweet, docile Rose pushing against the council to get what she needed. It would also explain the number of fundraisers and drives we’ve hosted over the years. I’m sure it was the only real funding she had to keep the library going strong.

My thoughts make me want to put up an even bigger fight right now, but I know it wouldn’t help. It takes special care and just the right amount of pushing to get through to them. I also don’t back down from something important, so no matter how many times I have to reschedule or wear a skirt and heels, I will do it until I get what my library needs.

After I gather my things, I walk toward the elevator. The council meets on the third floor of the town hall, and I’m pretty sure this elevator was a last-minute addition and was more than likely the bottom of the line, cheapest option. It’s how the council rolls.

I just about trip and fall when I see who’s standing next to the doors. I was so consumed with my frustration I forgot he was the one who made the council late. My eyes narrow, and while it’s not fair, he becomes the target of my anger. “Tucker,” I say, not bothering to hide my ire.

His eyebrows furrow a little in confusion. “Didn’t you have a meeting after me?”

“I did, but since your chat went late, they gave me ten minutes to say my piece, and then I had to leave. Didn’t seem like enough time, so I’m rescheduling.” My voice is icy as I stare at him.

“Ah. Sorry about that,” he says, grimacing, and as much as I want my anger to stay burning, it starts to dissipate. He seems genuinely sorry, and logically I know it’s not his fault. I shouldn’t even be as mad as I am at the council, but I am pretty sure they did it on purpose. It happens way too often to be a coincidence.

I feel my shoulders drop. “It’s not really your fault. They’ve never liked me much, so it’s not a surprise.”

The elevator dings, signaling it’s finally here. When we both step inside, it’s then I realize I’ve made a grave mistake. I will now be stuck in a tiny box with a man who has starred in many of my sexual fantasies. He smells so good I have to hold onto the railing so I don’t shove my nose into his neck.

The doors slowly close, and the elevator makes a whirring noise like it’s trying really hard to go down. I peek up at Tucker through my eyelashes, which is not as easy as it sounds because he’s so damn tall. He’s got to be close to six-five, and even in my heels, I only come up to his shoulder.

He’s just standing there with his hands in his pockets, completely relaxed, while I’m over here squeezing my thighs together to keep everything from combusting. Is that possible? To orgasm because you’re in close proximity to the sexiest man you know?

Jesus, this was such a bad idea. I go to take a deep breath to calm down and realize my next mistake. A mix of spicy cologne and man fills my lungs, and I almost whimper. Okay, little breaths. I can do this.

Suddenly, the elevator shudders, drops rapidly, and then comes to a complete stop. “Holy shit. What the hell just happened?” My heart pounds in my chest as I try to orient myself.

I look over at Tucker and realize I have a death grip on his arm, and he’s got the other wrapped around my middle. We stare at each other for a heartbeat and then quickly remove ourselves, avoiding eye contact. “I think the elevator just broke down,” he says.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance