Page 18 of Breathing Her Fire

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Once we park the truck in the bay, the guys separate and run checks on supplies to make sure everything is ready to go for the next call. Knowing they’ve got things covered, I head to my office to write up the report.

Each firefighter will fill out the same document describing the call and what their responsibilities were. Then it’ll all go into a file so we have a record of the events and what each person did or didn’t do.

I check my phone for the first time in about five hours, and my stomach drops when I see a notification from Natalie. It looks like she called but didn’t leave a message. My mind starts spinning trying to figure out what she could’ve been calling about.

I want to call her back right away, but I have to finish this report first. Using every ounce of willpower I have, I set my phone back down and do my best to write everything up quickly and accurately.

As soon as I hit save on the report, I grab my phone and pull up her contact. My hands start shaking and my knee starts bouncing as I click on her name to call her back. I hope with everything I have she called me to go out and not to yell at me for being an insensitive prick.

“Hello?” Her voice rings over the phone and sets my nerve endings on fire, just from one word.

“Hey, Natalie. Sorry I missed you. We were out on a call.”

“Hi, Tucker. Don’t worry, it's nothing urgent.”

“What’s going on?”

“Well… um…” She blows out a long exhale. “Okay, this is a little embarrassing, but I’m just going to say it.” A grin stretches across my face because I officially know she’s not mad at me. If she was, she’d have no problem calling me out with the fire that burns bright within her.

“Actually, first I want to ask you something. Did you mean what you said to me in the elevator?”

“Every word.”

“Okay, good because, well, I’d like that too, but I need to know if you meant for just one night or maybe exploring more.”

This has now become the best day I’ve ever had. Natalie wants me, too, and the revelation feels incredible.

“Honestly, I’m not sure how good I’ll be at dating, but I do know I want you for more than one night.”

“I’d like to try the dating thing then,” she says, almost quietly, which is a surprise to me. She’s usually bold and spirited without a care about what other people think of her. This is so different from what I remember, and I wonder if it’s me.

“Were you nervous about talking to me?” I ask before I can think better of it.

“No,” she says decisively, which is so much more like her. “Okay, maybe a little.”

I chuckle at her answer and feel like I’m talking to my Natalie again. Even though she’s not mine...yet.

“If it makes you feel better, I was nervous about calling you back. I thought you were going to be mad at me.”

“That makes me feel marginally better. I didn’t run away because your advances weren’t wanted. They were wanted,” she says with such heavy innuendo it makes my cock stand up and take notice. “I was mostly just embarrassed about the whole waxing comment, and then you were telling me you wanted me, which recreated one of my fantasies, and I was just mortified.”

Natalie has, again, packed so much information into one rambling sentence I don’t even know where to start.

“You’ve fantasized about me?” That seemed like the most important tidbit to me.

“Fuck me,” she groans, and a laugh bursts from my chest.

“I mean, I’d like to. It’s kind of why this conversation got started,” I joke.

“Why can’t I keep my ginormous mouth shut around you? I just spill all of my secrets to you without thinking.”

She makes a valid point, but I love that she’s shared these things with me.

“I’m glad you’ve shared your secrets with me. Makes me feel special.”

“I’d prefer if I kept some things a little mysterious,” she quips, and I can hear the smile in her voice.

“Okay fine, I guess you can have your mysteries but just know, I’ll be making it my mission to learn about every one of them.”

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance