Page 10 of Breathing Her Fire

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“I don’t know, guys. Wouldn’t he have asked me out on a date or something first? He just said he should be the one in my bed instead of the idiots I’ve had before. Nothing else. We all know his M-O is one night and one night only. Why would it be different for me?

The girls are quiet as they think about what I said. I know it’s true. There’s no reason he would want me based on a kiss we shared as children, and it’s silly to have harbored these feelings for him ever since. I can’t imagine him having the same sort of feelings for me, so it’s best to just put it out of my mind.

“What if he asks you again?” Sara questions.

“I’ll tell him I wouldn’t be able to have him for only one night, and it would be over.”

“I don’t know, Nat. I think there’s more to it than what you’re thinking,” Megan says.

“I think so, too, even though I know absolutely nothing about him,” Quinn adds with a smile, making us all laugh and shake our heads at her.

“Well, either way, I’ll have a fantastic scenario to use when I’m fantasizing about him,” I say, and all the girls hold up their drinks in agreement.

Looking around at these women, I feel so incredibly grateful. They’re my best friends. I honestly don’t know where I would be without them. They’ve held me up when I needed them and have never let me down. I’m so glad they’re all nosy and didn’t let me get away with wallowing by myself tonight.

The rest of the night is spent catching up and talking about Quinn and Cooper’s wedding plans. They’re thinking about an early spring wedding, which would be perfect for them, although I think I’d feel that way no matter when they got married. They’ve been through a lot, both separately and together. They deserve their happy ending.

It gives me hope I’ll find the right guy for me one of these days. Maybe he’ll have a dark chocolate stare that will make me melt.

A girl can dream.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance