Page 6 of Guarding Her Love

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"You know I will."

The conversation shifts to the high school football team's chances of getting into the championships and ebbs and flows as it always does with the three of us. I want to spend some time with Piper, so I head home early even though I don’t have to work tomorrow.

I walk outside and the warm air is jarring compared to the A/C inside. As I'm about to get in my truck, I get this weird feeling in my gut telling me something is off. I look around the parking lot, and it's full of cars just like it was when I got here.

Since everyone’s inside, the lot is empty of people, but it still feels as though someone is out here with me. I do one more scan and don't see anything, so I chalk it up to the stress I've had this week and get in my truck to head home.

Piper is waiting for me in her bed in the living room when I walk in the door. Since I haven't been home much, I spend a little extra time playing tug of war and working on her find and retrieve skills. I hide treats in different areas, and she’ll usually sniff out where I've hidden them.

We’re going to take advantage of my rare day off and go fishing tomorrow. It's been a while since I've gotten out to the lake, and it would do us both some good to get some fresh air. As I get ready for bed, I give one fleeting thought to the uneasiness I felt when I left Donna’s and then quickly drift off to sleep.



Hailey and I found some amazing furniture at Matthew's and had it delivered to the house the same day. I told Hailey she could have free reign over decorating her guest room since she will be the only one staying there, and she did not disappoint. She decided on reds and blues for her theme with a white bed and nightstands. The girl has some serious style and has made decorating the rest of the house a breeze.

After the furniture arrived, we spent our time unpacking boxes and organizing the things I brought from the city. Hailey has been vital to keeping my sanity together throughout this whole process. Her organizational skills are legendary, and without her, I would’ve just thrown things in cabinets and moved on. The only room I confidently put together by myself is my painting studio.

Every summer, my grandparents would convert my grandfather's office into a studio, and I would spend hours there painting anything and everything. I didn't get to paint throughout the year because it was too hard to move all of my materials each time my parents relocated, so I had to make up for the lost time during the summers.

Hailey and I have gotten a lot unpacked and put away, and I've only got one more week with her. The time is going by so fast already. "Are you sure you can't stay forever?" I ask her while I flip through the movie channels on TV.

"Darling, I know you can't live without me, but I am not cut out for this small-town life. I need my city to survive. I've gone a full week without smelling the sweaty summer scent of New York. I think I might be having withdrawals." Hailey walks into the living room and drops down onto the couch next to me.

"Oh, that's so gross!"

"You know you miss it," she teases.

"I absolutely do not miss the smell. It was always the worst part of summer. But I am going to miss you when you have to leave next week."

"And I will miss you too, but that is what Facetime and airplanes were designed for."

"Okay, okay. I see this is a losing battle with you. What should we do today?" Since the house is basically unpacked?with the exception of my bedroom which is still a disaster area?our whole afternoon is wide open.

"How about we check out the bar tonight? You're going to have to make friends at some point, so you might as well start there."

"I guess that's not a bad idea. Plus, I'll have you to run interference when I say something stupid."

"Shut up, you will not say anything stupid," she says, giving me the stink eye.

"Come on, Hailey, you know how I am. I suck at social interactions. I'm always awkward and uncomfortable; nothing ever comes out of my mouth the way I want it to." This has been a lifelong struggle for me. I've never been one to make friends easily, and I tend to avoid social interactions in general. Hailey was forced to be my friend since she was my assistant first.

"I know you get uncomfortable but you're not awkward, and you always do great after the first few minutes. You just need to pluck up the courage. Plus, I'll be there with you the whole time." As she continues to encourage me to be more social, the doorbell rings, and I stand up to answer. I can see through the glass framing the door it's a woman holding a basket.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I ask the petite blonde woman.

"Hi there! My name is Megan Montgomery. My husband, Todd, and I live a few streets over, and I thought I would stop by and introduce myself. You're Dan and Carla Johnson's granddaughter, right?" she asks.

I'm immediately overwhelmed by this woman and, at the same time, oddly at ease. She's beautiful in a wholesome and endearing sort of way, and she exudes kindness. I'm the exact opposite of her in personality and looks but feel as though she could already be my friend.

"Yes, I am," I confirm, holding my hand out to her. "Quinn Lawson."

"It's so nice to meet you!" she says, still holding the ginormous basket of goodies and grabbing my hand at the same time.

I wave her into the foyer. "Please, come in."

"Wow, all of the updates you've made look amazing. I knew your grandparents pretty well and we were all so sad when they passed," Megan says with genuine sympathy.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance