Page 46 of Guarding Her Love

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We talked about anything and everything from Cooper’s girlfriend who died to my strained relationship with my parents. We even talked about what we wanted for our futures, and knowing we’re on the same page made me fall even harder for Cooper.

We also managed to christen several of the surfaces around the house. I’m deliciously sore this morning, and that revelation puts a smile on my face.

I slowly try to untangle myself from Cooper’s hold on me so I don’t wake him. He looks so peaceful right now with his lashes splayed across his cheeks and the frown lines from last night smoothed out. I know as soon as he wakes up, those lines will be back, so I want him to stay asleep for as long as possible. He also has to be back on duty today, and two late nights in a row are not going to help him stay on his game.

I’m still not exactly sure what happened yesterday, and Cooper didn’t provide any details. I don’t know how much he’s allowed to tell me about the investigation, but I figure if he can or needs to talk it out he will, and I’ll be here to support him either way.

After I quietly brush my teeth, I sneak downstairs with Piper at my heels and let her out into the backyard. I love watching her run around back there, so carefree and playful. I would’ve wanted a dog just like her growing up if I were allowed.

I start a pot of coffee and root around in the kitchen to see what options we have for breakfast. My cooking experience is pretty minimal. I have the basics down because how else was I going to survive living alone, but I also spent so much time at the office that cooking was never something I had time to do.

Now that I have the time, I think I’d like to learn more. Maybe try out some more difficult recipes and see what happens. It’ll probably turn into a mess, but I think I’ll enjoy trying. I wonder what else I could try that I never got to do before. I should start making a list of things I want to learn how to do. I could even try and get the girls in on it too.

I love that I finally have a group of girls to do things with. I know I always had Hailey but she had her own group of friends she hung out with, and that was okay with me. I never felt left out because I never had the desire to join in, but now, I have both the desire and the time to cultivate these friendships, and I’m grateful they’ve included me in their group.

Cooper has all of the ingredients for pancakes?and by ingredients, I mean the box of prepared mix?so I start putting that together and find some bacon in the fridge that doesn’t look expired. I let Piper back in while the oven preheats, and she and I dance around in the kitchen while we wait.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cooper leaning against the wall, watching us with a little smirk on his face. He’s only wearing his running shorts, and I feel my cheeks heat up as embarrassment floods through me at being caught dancing.

“Don’t stop on my account,” Cooper says with a little chuckle. “I was definitely enjoying the show.” His eyes scan me up and down, and I realize I only have his t-shirt on and nothing else. His heated gaze sends a bolt of lust straight through me, and I can’t control the little shiver that runs down my spine while I check out his bare chest.

He stalks over to me and grabs me around the waist, pulling me in tight to his body. His head leans down and he kisses me thoroughly, our tongues, dancing and twining like we’ve been doing this with each other forever.

“Good morning,” he says when we finally come up for air. “Good morning,” I reply, completely and utterly smitten with this sexy man. My eyes rove over his face wanting to capture this moment forever. His golden eyes are shining with adoration, his features soft and happy, the stubble on his jaw is rough and shadowy. He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed about and more.

The oven beeps, letting me know it’s pre-heated, and we pull apart from each other. “I was going to make pancakes and bacon if that sounds okay,” I tell him as I put the tray in the oven and heat up the griddle for pancakes.

“Sounds perfect, but you don’t have to do that. We could go to Jones’s and get breakfast if you want.” I look up at him, and while I know he would do that so I don’t have to cook, I don’t think he really wants to leave. I can see the tension building as if he’s preparing to go out in public with the knowledge that something bad has happened and no one else knows.

“That’s okay. I may not be the best cook in the world but I can manage, so let’s stay here and relax until we both have to leave.” I watch as the tightness he was gathering dissipates and his shoulders drop. All he does is nod his head, but I can see in his eyes he’s relieved. He walks around the breakfast bar and sits at one of the stools.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you last night. Trish offered me a job!” I say, partly to distract him and partly because I want to share it with him.

“Really? That’s great. What would you be doing for her?” he asks with genuine interest. I love that he listens when I talk and doesn’t pretend to care.

“She bought the building next to her shop and is going to turn it into a gallery so she has more space to sell the art she brings in. She asked me to help her get it started and then run the gallery after we get the building ready.” I’m still finding it hard to believe she wanted me to help her, but I’m beyond grateful and so excited.

“Sounds like it’ll be perfect for you. I can’t wait to see what you do with the place. When will you get started?” he asks.

As we talk, I finish up the pancakes and the bacon comes out at the same time. I tell him all about the job and what I’ll be doing as we eat, and the longer I talk about it, the more animated I get. I can’t wait to get started, and more than likely, the next couple of weeks are going to feel like they drag on.

“I also forgot to tell you I went by my house yesterday to get a few paintings for Trish. It felt weird being there, but I think once I get everything back the way it was, it’ll be fine.”

Cooper’s eyes snap to mine. “You went inside your house yesterday? Did someone go with you?” I can see fury building behind his eyes. I just don’t understand why.

“No, I went by myself. I forgot to pack a few paintings in all of the craziness, so I went over there to grab them. I thought it was okay to be back in my house and put everything away,” I say, my brow furrows in question to his anger.

Cooper stands up so quickly his chair almost falls over, and he takes his plate into the kitchen. All of his movements are jerky and stilted. I can tell he’s trying not to yell at me right now.

“It wasn’t safe for you to go in there. You should’ve waited for me. Someone could’ve been in there waiting for you to come back. They could’ve hurt you, and I wouldn’t have been there to keep you safe.” He’s standing at the kitchen sink with his hands gripping the countertops so hard you can see the whites of his knuckles.

I open my mouth to respond, feeling my temper rising, ready to lash out at him. But then I look at Cooper, taking in his body language, his words, and suddenly I don’t think this is about me anymore. It is about me, but the underlying issue isn’t me going into the house, it’s what happened yesterday, and I think Cooper is scared.

As that thought permeates my brain, I feel my anger drain and the tension coiling in my stomach starts to loosen.

“Cooper, honey, no one could’ve gotten in there. We made sure everything was locked before we left. I was safe the whole time I was there,” I tell him as I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. “Tell me what’s really going on.”

He blows out a deep breath and turns around, wrapping his arms around me and squeezing tight while I run my hands up and down his back. I can feel his nose on the top of my head, and he breathes me in like I’m his lifeline.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance