Page 28 of Guarding Her Love

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By the timeI wrap up the paperwork, it's about seven in the evening. Mom invited me to their house for dinner earlier in the week, so I quickly call to let her know I'm on my way to their house.

After I get off the phone with Mom, I call Quinn. I hope she's available for dinner tomorrow night because I don't want to wait any longer than I already have to see her again.

After what feels like forever, she finally picks up. "Hey there," Quinn answers with a soft voice, the sound instantly relaxing me. I think I could listen to her talk for hours and it would still have the same effect on me.

"Hi. I'm sorry I'm calling so late. I had a bunch of paperwork to finish after the accident today."

"That's okay. Did you get everything done?"

"Yeah, for the most part. I’ve got a few things I’ll need to do tomorrow."

"I'm sorry you had such a long day."

"It happens. I'm done now though and headed to my mom and dad's for dinner. What are you up to tonight?"

"I am hanging out with Megan, Lucy, and Sara right now," Quinn says. I can hear the smile in her voice, and I am so glad she's hanging out with the girls. They've been good friends of mine for a long time, and it makes me happy they're bringing Quinn into the group.

"You are? That's great. I'm glad you're spending time with them. What about tomorrow? Would you be interested in going out to dinner with me?"

"I would definitely be interested."

"Great. How does six work for you?"

"Six works perfectly."

"Awesome, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow. Bye, Cooper."

"Bye, Quinn."

I pull into my mom and dad's driveway as I'm hanging up the phone. I'm feeling much better after having talked to Quinn. It's amazing the effect she has on me, and now I'm not sure I'll be able to wait until tomorrow night to see her. I might have to change that.



Ihang up my phone after talking to Cooper, and I can feel how big my smile is on my face. We didn't even talk for very long, and I feel lighter than I did before I talked to him. He makes me happy, and now I get to see him tomorrow. I also make a mental note to thank Hailey for convincing me to buy that dress.

I walk back into the living room where Megan, Sara, and Lucy are curled up on the couch. Our wine glasses sit on the coffee table and music plays quietly in the background.

Instead of continuing to sit on my couch being sad that Hailey wasn't there, I texted Megan to see if she was busy tonight. Luckily for me, she wasn't, and neither were Lucy and Sara. Natalie was having dinner with her mom tonight, otherwise, she would've been here too.

We've been hanging out for a while now, and I don't think I've ever had this much fun with a group of girls.

Hailey would invite me along when she would go out with her friends from college, but I never fit in with them. They were always really nice to me, but I still felt outside of the group. I'm sure it was of my own making, but I never felt like I could open up and join in.

Growing up constantly on the move made it hard to make friends. I learned quickly that goodbyes were always harder the closer you got to the people around you, so I stopped trying to get close to people. I think the habit continued while I was in New York, and it's one of the reasons I never felt like it was home.

Tonight though, I haven't felt for a single moment like I was on the outside looking in. The girls have included me in every joke, retold several stories so I could join the conversation, and have been unbelievably kind to me. I've opened up a lot more with these girls too, and it’s been amazing to finally feel like I can be a part of a group.

"Do you think that grin could get any bigger?" Lucy asks as I sit down on the couch next to Megan. Lucy and Sara are on the other side of the sectional.

"Definitely not. She looks like the Cheshire cat right now," Megan says teasingly. It takes me a minute, but I realize they are talking about me, and I can feel a blush creep up my face.

"Aw, she's blushing. She so likes him, you guys," Lucy says in a valley girl accent, which sets off the other two girls.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance