Page 21 of Guarding Her Love

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I laugh because that's exactly the reason I've had so much fun. Watching her do her thing was the highlight of the evening, even if I didn't get to learn much about her.

"Definitely. I enjoyed watching you take pictures tonight. I can't wait to see what you create from the photos," I say as I walk toward her and grab all of the things I brought for our dinner. We head back to the truck, side-by-side, and I wish my hands weren't full. I'd love to know how it feels to have her hand in mine.

"The sunset was beautiful. It was everything you said it would be; I’m excited to start painting."

"Will you show it to me when it's done?"

"I think that's the least I could do since you spent this whole evening with me just for one painting," she says as we get back to the truck. I put all of the stuff in the bed of the truck and help Quinn up into the cab. I walk around the front and get in on the driver's side.

I don't want to take her home yet, but I'm not sure if she feels the same way. We never established if this was a date, and no matter how desperately I want to hold her and kiss her, I'm not confident my advances would be wanted.

"You ready?" I ask, hoping maybe she might not be ready to go home.

"At the risk of putting myself out there, I'm not quite ready to end the night yet." She bites her lip like she’s nervous about being honest. I, on the other hand, feel relief wash over me and my smile grows now that I know I'm not the only one who wants this to continue.

"Thank god. I wasn't ready for the night to be over, but I was afraid you didn't feel the same way."

Quinn grins at me, and I watch the nerves dissipate from her eyes. She's stunning when she smiles, and her eyes get this sparkle to them that lights up her whole face. It's now officially my mission to keep that smile on her face and the sparkle in her eyes.

"What do you want to do then?" Quinn asks.

"How about ice cream? I only ate one snack cake, so I think we deserve ice cream."

"You only ate one? Where did those other two wrappers come from then?" Quinn asks with a lift of her eyebrow. I love that she's calling me out on my bullshit.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You must've eaten those because it was definitely not me. I think you might have a problem. Eating three snack cakes in one sitting is kind of a lot," I tease, knowing full well it was me.

"I'm the one with the problem?" she asks incredulously. "Who's the one that isn't allowed to keep them in their house?"

"Yeah, you mentioned that issue. Maybe you should see someone about it. I don't think it's too late to get you help. I'm sure we can work through it together." I have to bite my cheek to keep from smiling.

Quinn narrows her eyes at me. "You are something else, aren't you?"

I can't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

I look over at her and see she's laughing, too, while rolling her eyes at me. I can't keep myself from touching her anymore, and I lean over and squeeze her thigh. "I'm sorry for teasing you. I couldn't help myself."

I keep my hand there longer than necessary because her skin is so soft, but move it eventually. I’d like to keep it there indefinitely, but I don't want to mess up this amazing night because I couldn't keep my hands to myself.

I turn the truck on and pull out of the parking lot. It's fully dark out, so my headlights are on and the dashboard lights fill the cab with a digital glow. We’re quiet as I drive us back into town, and it's nice that neither of us feels like we need to fill the silence.

I've never been on a date where I don't feel like I have to go out of my way to impress the other person. You know how first dates usually go, you get dressed up and you're so formal with each other. Trying to come across as refined and like you have no faults.

It feels almost fake in a way because the other person is doing the same thing and you both know, in all actuality, you don't act like that in normal day-to-day life. It's exhausting and hard to know for sure if the person you're with is actually there because they like you or if they just want to be seen dating you.

Yes, that's happened multiple times since I became police chief.

This whole night with Quinn I have never felt more like myself. It's the best feeling I've ever experienced.

I'm not saying I haven't been trying to impress Quinn. God knows I've done everything I can to make sure I don't do something stupid, but even though I'm trying to impress her, I still feel like I'm being my full authentic self. It proves to me that whatever is happening between us is something real and has the potential to be life-changing.

Despite how terrified I am, I'm all in.



Ipull into the parking lot of Jones's Diner and park the truck. The diner is a trailer with the classic silver siding and red and white booths inside. They have the best burgers and milkshakes in town. In the summer, they open up the side windows and you can walk right up and order ice cream without having to go in.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance