Page 12 of Guarding Her Love

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"Any DNA evidence collected from the scenes? It would be hard to not leave anything behind during these last break-ins," I ask, examining each photo, hoping something jumps out at me.

"No, we haven't been able to get anything from the scenes. They have to be wearing gloves, masks, shoe covers, the whole works to not leave anything behind," Steven confirms.

"And the only connection between the victims is their age and gender. These last two, they were both out of town when the perp broke in?"

"Yes, they had both gone away for weekend trips when the break-ins occurred."

"Hmm, that means either the perp knew their schedule or got incredibly lucky. Since there isn’t a connection between victims, I’d venture to guess they got lucky, and that’s why the destruction was so bad," I conclude.

Sorting through these photos there's still one thing I don't fully understand, "What is this guy getting out of breaking in and destroying things? He's not stealing, so there's no financial gain. There's no connection between vics, so revenge is more than likely out. There has to be more to it, right?"

"Absolutely, but I can't seem to put enough of the pieces together to figure it out," Steven agrees.

"Any thoughts about next targets?"

"Other than the demographic? None. And the kicker is I never realized how many males in their mid-thirties we had living in this town. Trying to warn over one hundred men to stay vigilant is like trying to persuade a rebel teenager to follow the rules?almost impossible," he says with a shake of his head. "We've stepped up patrols, but there's not much more we can do without sending my deputies into an early grave with all of the extra hours."

Steven goes back to the whiteboard and looks over the maps and photographs pinned up. We've drawn a timeline indicating when the B and Es occurred, and I've been staring at it, trying to see a pattern. I don't see anything in the evidence, and that's really concerning. My phone chimes with a message from Derek, letting me know they're on their way to pick me up.

We've been here for about six hours now, and I'm ready to head home. We aren't getting anywhere at this point, and all we can do is hope they get something from the evidence collected today.

"Derek and Liam are on their way here. I guess they've wrapped up what they can at the scene," I say as I stand from my chair, my body aching from sitting for so long. Steven looks at me and nods his head.

"Can I count on you to help me with this?" he asks.

"Of course. You'll call me when you get the results back from the evidence we collected today?"

"Yeah, I'll call you, but I doubt there will be anything we can use. I'll keep you updated and let you know if we need anything more from you in the meantime."

"We're at your disposal, Chief, so use us if and when you need us." I reach out to shake his hand. I know it’s not easy having to rely on other people for help. He's the police chief, it’s his job to protect his town from any threat, and I can only imagine the weight he has on his shoulders right now. I'm going to be in the same boat if this perp decides to move on to Sonoma.

I walk out of the station as Derek and Liam pull up in the truck. I jump in the back and settle in for the drive home. We're all beat from the long day, so the ride back is mostly silent. Each of us are in our own heads and decompressing after the shitstorm we walked into at the crime scene.

Derek pulls into the parking lot of the Sonoma station, and I jump out of the truck and walk around to the front. "I'll see you both tomorrow morning, and thanks for your hard work on this. I know it makes for long days, but it’ll be worth it when we get this guy.”

They both nod and head towards their own cars as I get into the driver’s seat. I’d normally debrief with them before heading home, but we’re all exhausted, and it won’t do any good to go over everything we’ve already gone over a hundred times.

The drive home is quick, and I am greeted by an excited Piper when I walk inside. After getting my stuff put away, I sit down on the couch and turn on the sports highlights I missed from last night’s games. My phone chimes and I grab it thinking it’s going to be Todd responding to my text letting him know we made it back.

Unknown:Hi, Cooper, this is Quinn Lawson. I got my studio set up and am wondering if the offer to show me your secret spot on the lake is still good?

A grin stretches across my face and my heartbeat picks up speed when I realize she finally texted me. I'd like to saycan I come over right nowbut I know that would be met with crickets or more likely a restraining order, so I type out the next best option.

Me:Hey, Quinn. I'd be happy to show you around the lake. How does tomorrow evening work for you?

Quinn:That works great. Where should I meet you?

Me:How about I pick you up? Say around 6:30?

Quinn:Okay, sounds good. Do you need my address?

Me:No, I still remember where the house is.

Quinn:Right. I forget how small this town is sometimes. I'm so used to the anonymity of the city where very few people knew my name or where I lived.

Me:It can be annoying just how much people know about you, but at the same time, it's nice to live in a place where they care enough to want to know you.

Quinn:I never thought about it like that. Makes me love this town even more.

Tags: Shelby Gunter Romance