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“I don’t know. Could be a day. Could be a week. But we can stay in contact the whole time. I’ll have my cell every minute of the day. We can email, and text, and call and shit. I’ll teach you how to get yourself off with your fingers.”

“Spencer!” Just as predicted, she hides her face as heat floods her cheeks.

“Miss Priss.” Laughing, I take her hands and pry them away from her burning face. “I’ll teach you. We’ll video call, so I can watch and make sure I’m tutoring you right.”

“I won’t do it.” She shakes her head and fights me when I drag her closer… closer… and when it’s not enough, I pull her onto my hips and over my hardened cock.

Her breath stops.

“You will do it, because I told you to. Because I said the first time is free, but after that, I’m in charge.”

When she drags her abused bottom lip between her teeth, I squeeze her hips and grin when her breath comes faster.

“You’ll do it because you’ll want to please me.” I sit up and nibble on her delicate collarbone. “You’ll do it because you love me.”

* * *

I getthree hours with Abigail, three hours to take care of her, shower with her, remind her that I’m not running away, and to promise I’ll be just a phone call away, available any time she wants to talk to me. Then two hours with Kane and the guys at the house, time to discuss our plans and talk Kane down from his pending panic.

He loves his wife and daughters more than he loves anything else in the world. There’s nothing he won’t do for them, but watching his baby brother walk out his front door and toward certain danger nearly killed him. He wants to stuff Jay in the closet and keep him safe.

Jay was believed dead once, and Kane mourned him while trying to navigate life with his girl. Having his brother back was a blessing he thought he’d never get, which means watching him walk out again warred with his every instinct.

He had to choose between Jess and Jay. His wife and his brother.

Jess won, and now Jay is with me and Soph while we fight this invisible enemy that has set their sights on the Bishop brothers. We have to do it fast, and we have to do it far away from town and keep the war off of our doorstep.

After we left Kane’s home with instructions for him to let Eric and Cruz take care of work while he took care of his family, we drove through the night, and took shifts so two out of three of us could sleep while the other did their shift and kept us safe, though Jay’s shift was longer than mine or Soph’s, since he rarely ever sleeps. And now, as a new day begins and the cool winter breeze beats at the windows outside, Soph has me pull into an old roadside motel in the middle of nowhere. A dozen rooms stand side by side, and on the far left, an office with a faded OPEN sign hangs in the window.

“We’re stopping here.” Soph’s eyes remain locked on her laptop. “Romeo’s on stand-by. He’s been watching this place since we left home, he confirmed it’s safe.” She lifts her chin and nods to our right. “Three o’clock, up on that hill.”

I turn with narrowed eyes. “He’s watching?”

She taps at her laptop and nods. “Yeah, he’s watching. But he’s one of us, so stop freaking out.”

“Dude’s got me in his scope, ballerina. I’m not freaking out, but I sure as shit ain’t comfortable, either.”

“He’s one of the best shots I know. I trust him enough that I’m in his scope right now too. He won’t mess it up.”

She takes a small earpiece from a black case in the glove compartment and presses it into her ear. Her brows knit in concentration, concentration, concentration, and then she grins.

“You gonna shoot me, Romeo?” She turns to me with that smile. “He said no.”

“Motherfucker. Who is he?” Sitting forward in the back seat, Jay pokes his head between us and snatches at the earpiece. “Name?”

Soph doesn’t stop him from taking the small device, or from shoving it in his ear, despite it not being fitted for him.

“State your name, rank, and mother’s maiden name, Soldier.”

“He won’t tell you,” Soph murmurs. “We agreed no names. He has a family to protect.”

“Yeah? My family is in his fucking scope right now.Name!”

Soph rolls her eyes and leans closer to me. “I’d marry him for saying that alone,” she whispers, “but he’s so dumb, he hasn’t figured it out yet.”

“He stillwooingyou?”

“Trying,” she snickers. Then to her man, “Okay, give me the earpiece back. We’ll meet up with Romeo later today, and you can ask him in person. Then he can tell you to go fuck yourself in person.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark