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“OhSpencer,” I correct.

She remains a tight clamp around my cock, but she’s slick and wanting. She’s not fragile or scared, so I sit back on my knees and continue to push against her. I go a little faster, a little deeper, and hold my breath as she squirms and brings herself closer and closer to the edge.

“You saymyname, Priss. Not God’s. Not anyone else’s.” I bring my hand between us and send her wild when I press a thumb to her clit. “Can you come for me? Come again?”

She squirms beneath me, and tenses so much that the muscles in her neck stand out, but she nods and exhales on an explosive burst. “Yes. I’m going to come again.”

“Okay.” I pinch her clit and grit my teeth when she explodes around me. She levitates off the bed and drags me breathlessly closer. My orgasm sits right on the edge, waiting for me to allow its release, waiting for Abigail to finish so I can pull out and jack onto the bed.

Her orgasm tears her apart. It makes her cry out in the most amazing way, and her muscles tense, but her eyes open mid-release when she realizes I’ve stopped moving.

“What are you–” Maybe she can read my mind, or maybe she can see the pain in my eyes, because somehow, she knows that I’m holding back. Pushing off the bed and sitting up, she loops a hand around the back of my head and pulls me back down until we lay against each other. “Come inside me, Spencer. It’s okay.”


Another spasm of pleasure makes her pussy clench as she traps her bottom lip between her teeth and grunts. “I promise, it’s okay. You can come.” She squeezes me tight and pulls me in until our lips clash, and my orgasm takes her word over mine.

I roar against her lips and shoot deep inside her. It’s the orgasm that never ends, the explosion that rocks my world as streams of hot come fill her up, and her whimpers turn to cries when my hands hold her hips a little too tight.

My body turns weak, spent and empty when we slow. Heavy breathing is all we hear. Racing hearts.

“You just…” I think I’m turning dizzy, and that’s never happened before. “Fuck.”

Breathlessly giggling, Abigail’s air whistles through lungs I squish, but her hands come to my hair and massage. “That wasn’t as bad as I expected.”

I snort and gather enough strength to nibble on her silky flesh. “Jesus. I should hope not. I pride myself on making sure women enjoy themselves.”

Fuck!Why did I have to say that?

“Spencer Serrano! We don’t talk about that anymore. Geez.”

“I’m sorry.” I capture her mouth, but my heart doesn’t relax until Abigail’s indignation turns to soft laughter and her lips open to accept mine. “I’m sorry. Thank you for trusting me.”

“I love you.” She says it on an adorable pout. She’s not happy about falling in love.

I can’t relate one bit.

“I love you too.” I stroke her soft cheek and smile. “Thank you for coming here.”

“Thank you for being gentle. I heard first times can be really crappy.”

Chuckling, I press one last kiss to her jaw and slowly pull back. “This is probably gonna feel gross, okay? And you might bleed. Don’t panic.”

She gives a nervous, jerky nod and loses the relaxed smile she had a moment ago.

I slowly pull back, continuing to be gentle despite the fact the deed has been done. I move with care, and just before I pull out, I look up and meet her eyes.


She nods, so I pull out and watch pinkened semen follow and dribble onto the covers.

“Just a tiny bit of blood.”

“Don’t look!” She sits up and tries to shove me away. “That’s way too much looking at my personal business.”

“Oh please. I had my tongue in your personal business twenty minutes ago.”

She jolts so hard, you’d assume I slapped her face.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark