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Her breath stops, but my cock slips another inch inside. “Really?”

“You’re giving me your innocence. You’re gifting me with something truly precious.”

“And you’re gifting me with your love,” she whispers. “You’re going to make me cry again.”

I’m ready to explode, ready to roar, ready to slam home and ride her the way my body wants me to. But my heart won’t let me do it. Instead, I smile and nudge in a little further. “I have never loved a woman before, so I might mess it up. But I don’t mess up loyalty. I don’t mess up protection or honesty. I don’t mess up the important stuff. I promise. You’re my girl now.” I grunt when we reach the final stretch. “Hold your breath, baby.”

Her eyes widen. “Huh?”

I slide in the rest of the way and feel her give way inside. She cries out on a sob as her nails score my back, but I try to soothe her pain with a kiss. I try to make it better as I force myself to still and give her time to adjust.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I pepper kisses along her jaw and throat. Her head is back, her eyes almost pointing toward my headboard, so her throat is exposed and her pulse beats hard enough that I see it. “I’m in now, baby. The worst is over.”

“That hurt so bad,” she whimpers. “Oh my shit, that hurt.”

“Abigail!” Laughing, I press a kiss to the underside of her jaw. “You saidshit! What the hell is the matter with you?”

“You’re in?” Her eyes come back to mine, but my focus is drawn down to the tears that trail over her skin. “It’s done?”

“I’m in.” I kiss away the tracks her tears made. “Give it a second to adjust, then it’ll feel so much better, I promise.” I move my hips just a little. Not in and out, but I roll them to the sides to let her feel me. “You’re still wet, Abigail. Everything’s okay. But I can stop if you want me to.”

“I don’t.” Her breath explodes out as she clutches to my back to keep me close.

It’d take a herculean effort to climb off her and walk away now. I could. If she asked, I would. But I hope she doesn’t, because it might kill me.

“We came this far,” she breathes into my ear. “You’re in. You have the only thing I had to give. No way am I stopping now.”

“I won’t move until you’re ready.” I stop rolling my hips and press a kiss to her jaw. “This is your show, Abigail. You’re in charge right now.”

Pulling back, she looks into my eyes with a smile. “Does that hurt you to say? That I’m in charge.”

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” I laugh. “Today is the first and only time you’re in charge. Next time, I show you how we can do it. Next time, I might make you cry again, but you’ll like it.”

Her cheeks color. I’m inside her, and I can still taste her pussy on my tongue, but talking about future sex still makes her blush.

“I think you can move now.”

“Yeah?” My shoulders burn from the world’s longest plank, but I ignore the pain and bring my lips back to hers as I start moving. She hisses at first, which sends her breath scorching down my throat, but it doesn’t take long for her body to adjust.

We were made from the same mold. The same jigsaw. We’re matching pieces, which is how I know with such certainty that this could work.

I rock against her, but keep the pace slow. I hold most of my weight off of her, because if I don’t, I’ll crush her. But we touch all over. My back is bent so our chests press together, her breasts cushioning me. Her breath comes out in sweet little pants as I roll forward and gently lift her legs with each thrust. Slowly, gently, until her whines turn to something of pleasure and not pain.

“Is this okay now?”

She’s nervous, but she licks her lips and nods. “You can go a little faster now.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” Her nod is jerky and fast, but I trust her word, and increase my pace. “Yeah, like that.” Her eyes remain closed, which almost worries me that she’s running away and is not here with me. But her hands hold me close, her legs cinch around my hips.

“You feel so good.” I nibble along her jaw and work on her neck. I nip at the soft skin, slide my tongue over the fragrant delicacy, and nearly blow my load when I bite and her pussy squeezes me. “You like it when I hurt you.” I squeeze my eyes shut and continue to rock. “You fuckin’ love it when I’m rough.” I bite again, and grin when she cries out. “Jesus, I can’t believe you like it the way I like it.”

“I do?”

“Mmm.” My orgasm rushes forward so fast that I almost choke. I have to push it down, I have to ignore it and continue rocking against her to bring her back up. “Not today. I won’t go rough today, but soon, beautiful. Soon you’ll be able to go harder.” I lift her ass off the bed and change our angle until she cries out. “Soon you’ll beg me to smack you. You’ll beg me to hurt you. And when I do, you’ll come so hard you won’t be able to catch your breath.”

“Oh god.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark