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“Turn onto your back. Geez, Spencer!” She pushes up to her knees and tries again to move my shoulders in the direction she wants me to go. Obliging, since a blowjob is a much better solution than what I had in mind, I flop back with a grunt and make her giggle when the bed bounces.

In a bra only, she slides off the end of the bed and stops between my legs much the same way I did for her. It’s the same, but so very different, because she’s Abigail, and she’s about to suck my dick on purpose.

I lift my hips as soon as she pops the button on my jeans. I help her move them along my legs and kick the denim off when she doesn’t move fast enough. She’s nervous, which turns into giggles when my cock springs free of my boxers and slaps my stomach.

“Oh my…” Staring and almost killing my ego, she giggles.

If I was an insecure man, her giggling might kill me, but I’m not, and I know she’s nervous, so I sit up and wrap my hand around the back of her neck. I bring her in closer and press my lips to hers. “You don’t have to do this. No strings attached, I promise.”

Her eyes flutter closed, and when she tries to bite her lip, she nibbles on mine instead. “I don’t want to use my mouth on you tonight.”

Break my fuckin’ heart! “Okay.” I nod and press another kiss to her lips. “That’s fine, babe. I promise it’s okay.”

Her eyes flutter open and stare into mine. “Can we…” She hesitates. “I want to try the other stuff.”

“Your hand? Okay. I can teach you.”

She shakes her head. “Um, no. Not my hand.” She places her hands on my chest and pushes me back. Her eyes are wild. Her plump lips quiver with nerves as I lay back and she crawls on top of my thighs.

My cock seeps and throbs with pain, but it becomes so much worse when she sits on my lap and we touch by accident. Her skin on my skin, her heat on my erection.

“I want to make love to you, Spencer.”

“Hmm?” My heart stops. Dead. Refuses to start again. “Come again?”

“That’s the plan,” she giggles.

She pushes up onto her knees, but she’s so small compared to me, she struggles to make space between her thighs and mine. Her hands shake; one rests on my chest to give her something to hold onto, and the other fumbles between us. My mind races with thoughts, most of which center around the fact her sex-fogged brain is making rash decisions, but then her hand wraps around my cock andmybrain becomes sex-fogged too, and now we’re both screwed.

“I want to try this with you,” she whispers. “But you should know I fell in love with you. Which is really dumb, and I know you don’t do that. You don’t do clingers or relationships or whatever. But maybe just give me this?” Her voice breaks with insecurity. “Just one time. Just play pretend. And then I can always know the man I gave myself to was special. At least I loved.”

“No, Abigail, I–”

“I’m begging you not to speak right this second.” Fumbling, she tries to line my cock up at her opening. She acts like she knows what she’s doing, but her nerves give her away, her shaking hands prove this isn’t gonna work. “Don’t break my heart tonight. Tomorrow, you can run away. That’ll stink, and I’ll probably cry.” She meets my eyes and gives a rueful smile. “No, I’ll cry for sure. But that won’t be your responsibility, okay? I’m twenty-five years old, and I’ve found my prince. He has lots of tattoos and a bad attitude, but I don’t want to give this to anyone else.”

She tries again to move over my cock.

“Abigail, stop.”

Her eyes snap to mine and water. “You don’t want me?”

Gently shoving her over, I place her in the center of my bed and move over her so my knees are between her legs, and my elbows rest on either side of her head. Her eyes remain on the ceiling, her heart racing like a hummingbird’s wings. “Abigail? Baby, look at me.”

She sniffles and shakes her head with jerky movements.

“Hey,” I grab her jaw and force her eyes back to mine. “You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to have sex. Everything we do is string-free. I told you I have a hand.”

“I want to.” She sniffles. “I want to give it to you. Because what if we don’t, and then I meet someone else? I’ll give it to him, and maybe he won’t be as kind as I know you are. He won’t appreciate that I saved myself. Maybe he won’t be gentle.”

“If you meet a man and he’s not as gentle as you need him to be, then call me.” I drop a kiss on her jaw. “I’ll snap his fucking neck and rip his dick off with a set of pliers.”

Her breath fastens as she pulls back to bring my eyes into focus. I shouldn’t say things like that to her. She needs gentle, she needs soft words. But the thought of any man selfishly taking from her and not having her best interests at heart infuriates me.

“You’re so scary sometimes,” she whispers. “It’s terrifying that I believe you.”

“Believe it.” I pepper a kiss to her jaw. “I protect my family, Abigail. I take care of those that I care about. I’m gonna take care of you from now on.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark