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When she shyly nods, I lower to my knees and tug her closer with a fast yank. She screams out in surprise, but it turns to a silly giggle, which then turns to another scream when I slide my tongue along her slit and dip it inside.

Her body bows tight enough she might snap, and her hips lift off the bed as I play with her clit. I pull it between my lips and suck. I nibble with my teeth, then slide my tongue over it to soothe any pain my teeth might have caused. Her hands firmly clutch the back of my head, her nails dig into my scalp.

She’s demanding when she’s not nervous.

She’s demanding when she wants something and I don’t deliver fast enough.

Her thighs tighten against the sides of my head as though to hold me captive, which makes me laugh, and the vibrations from that roll through my lips and send her into another fit of groaning. She tries to ride my face. She follows me when I pull back, and shoots along the bed when I replace my tongue with two fingers.

It’s been a week since I was with her, so she’s tight again, but she knows me now. She knows that if she relaxes, the pleasure will come.


“Mmm.” I lap her up, and groan at how sweet she tastes. She’s so responsive for me. So wet and willing to trust. “You taste so good, Priss. So fuckin’ perfect.”

“It feels so good.” Her nails dig into my scalp. She might be making me bleed, but it wouldn’t stop me. “I’m gonna come. Spence– oh, Spencer!”

“Let it happen, Abigail.” Her body twitches and jerks while she fights her release. “Come on my face, baby. I wanna taste.”

“Oh god!” She lets go and flops back against the covers as her release washes over my lips. Her pussy squeezes my tongue, her thighs squeeze my head, and when she’s wrung out, she lets them drop open and releases me. My cock strains against my jeans so much it aches. My heart thrums, and my breath comes faster, because I’m so used to coming at this point with a girl.

But I can’t with Abigail. I can’t ask for anything. I can’t even suggest it, because I’d die if she ever felt pressured.

“Holy…” She blows out a gusty breath. “Wow.”

I wipe a hand over my chin to clean her away, and grin at her dazed face and lax body. She gives me everything she’s got every time. She lets herself go and wrings everything out so I know she gave me her all. Where she was taut and bowed before, she’s now relaxed. Where her hands clutched at my hair, they now rest against the blankets and twitch.

“You okay, Priss?”

She stares at the ceiling and giggles. “Uh-huh.”

She’s chilled the fuck out, riding her high and ready for sleep.

And my cock is about to break through my pants and kill me.

I slowly rise to my feet and kneel on the bed between her legs. Leaning in and grinning at her dopey smile, I press a kiss to her jaw. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a sec with a cloth to clean you up.”

Her dopey smile vanishes in an instant and her eyes come to mine. “Where are you going?”

To pull my dick in private.“Just to the bathroom. I’ll be quick.”I promise.

“Wait.” She reaches to the back of my neck and pulls me lower. Her nails slide into the back of my hair, and her heart hammers between us as she pulls me closer and closer until our lips touch.

I know she can taste herself on me. And I know it bothers her in some way. She’s not sure what to think about it, what to feel about it. Even the dirtiest of girls feel weird about kissing after what I just did, and my innocent Priss is the most innocent of them all, but she pulls me closer and slides her tongue into my mouth like a vixen.

My cock aches so much that I groan. The pleasure-filled groans are no more, now replaced with pain that won’t go away for as long as she’s kissing me.

I pull back and break the kiss. “I’ll be back in a sec, okay? I’ll be really quick.”

“Don’t go.” Shaking her head, she holds on tighter and begins to fumble with my belt. “Let me…”

She frowns when she can’t undo shit without seeing what she’s doing. “Hang on.”

She tries to push me back, which I mistake for away, so I go to stand, only for her to grunt and try to push me to the side.

“What are you doing?” I laugh when she tries to manhandle me. It’s like a fairy trying to move a giant.

She grunts and does her own version of swearing, but she can’t move me.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark