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“Can you blame me,” she asks, and I recognize the wild, hungry look in her grey eyes. She cups my face and gives me a sweet smile, and I’m amazed at how she can be such a mix of innocence and seductress. “How can I possibly control myself when I’m around you?”

“I feel the same way,” I tell her, carrying her into the bathroom. Setting her down, I start to run water for a bath. When I turn back around and see that she’s still fully clothed, I let out an annoyed growl and say, “Take off clothes.”

She laughs and pulls her shirt off before doing the same to her shorts. I forget everything else as I watch her strip, revealing her sweaty, young body to me, and by the time I take off my own shorts, I’m more than ready for her. Turning off the water, I get into the tub, grateful that I paid extra for the biggest one I could find, and hold my hand out to her. She steps in, lowers herself down, and slides herself onto my cock in one, smooth motion, making me let out a groan and grip the sides of the tub hard enough I’m surprised it doesn’t crack.

Her wet tits press against my chest, and when I wrap my arms around her, she brings her mouth to mine, kissing me hard while she starts to ride me in a slow rhythm that’s driving me wild with the need for more. I resist the urge to grab onto her hips and take over, pounding into her in a rhythm that I know will have her screaming my name in seconds. Instead, I lean back and watch the most beautiful sight in the world.

She gives me a shy smile, and when I cup her face in my hand, she immediately closes her eyes and leans into my touch. Her hands rest on my chest, and I’m mesmerized by the sight of her beautiful body. She starts to work her hips faster, making the water slosh around us, and I can tell by her breathing and the soft moans she’s making that she’s close.

Bringing my hands to her breasts, I run them over her wet, slippery skin, giving her nipples a pinch that has her gasping and arching her chest out for more. When she opens her eyes and looks at me with my name on her lips, I grab onto her hips and work her harder against me, pushing her over the edge.

Her fingers dig into my chest as her body tenses with her release. She leans closer, wanting my mouth on hers, and I’m more than happy to give it to her. I slide my tongue into her mouth, needing to be as deep inside her as possible. With a groan, I let go and allow her to take me with her. The amount of pleasure she gives me is always a shock. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever known, and I never want it to end. Before Gina, sex had always just been a way to get off and relieve sexual frustration. It hadn’t meant anything more to me than that. The connection I feel to Gina is nothing like that. I wrap my arms around her, wanting and needing her closer, knowing I could never go back to a life without her.

When we’re both spent, she rests against my chest while I keep her held tightly against me. Kissing her forehead, I brush a strand of wet hair off her cheek and let my fingers dance along her soft, wet skin.

She gives my chest a kiss and says, “So you wanted to be a teacher?”

I let out a small groan. “You are not going to stop until you know everything, so I will tell you what you want to know if that will make you happy.”

She looks up at me and gives me a big smile while shaking her head. It’s hard to resist her when she looks like that, especially when she’s wet, naked, and I’m still inside her. With a sigh, I lift her off me and grab the handheld shower head. Turning it on, I start to wet her hair.

“I will wash your hair and tell you a story,” I say. “But before I do, I will warn you that it is not very happy story. You Americans are so used to fairytales and happy endings. Is not always same in Russia.”

She looks back at me, searching my face. I see her eyes land on my scar. “Will it help me to know you better?”

“Yes,” I say, grabbing a bottle of shampoo. “For better or worse, it will tell you more about me.”

I squeeze out some shampoo and start to massage it into her scalp, preparing myself for what I’m about to say, the memories I’m going to have to relive. She waits for me, letting me take my time.

When I still don’t say anything, she turns to look at me. Resting her hand on my thigh, she says, “You don’t have to tell me, Dima. If it’s too painful to talk about, I understand.”

I reach out and brush the bubbles off her forehead before it has a chance to drip into her eyes. Running my finger down her cheek, I say, “No, I want you to know. It is painful for me to tell, but I would like you to know about my brother. He would have liked you very much.”

“You have a brother?”

“Had,” I say, turning her back around so I can continue to wash her hair.

“Sergei was my older brother, and I was closer to him than anyone else in the world. Our parents died in a car wreck when I was fifteen and he was nineteen, so he took me in and raised me. We did everything together.”

I run my hands through her hair and try to not get lost in the memories. Grabbing the shower head, I start to rinse the shampoo out.

“He was a damn good boxer, and he taught me everything he knew. When I was seventeen, we started fighting for money. It was an easy way to make sure we had enough for rent and food. I was young, but I was strong and rarely lost a fight. Sergei was even better, and before long we had a good bit of money saved up. We wanted to go to St. Petersburg, get out of Moscow. I could be a professor, and he could teach boxing.”

I finish rinsing her hair and put the shower head back. Gina stands up and presses on my shoulder, trying to get me to scoot forward.

“My turn,” she says, giving me a smile.

I scoot forward a bit so she can slide in behind him. “You want to wash my hair?” I ask, running a hand over my buzzed head. “Should not take too long.”

She laughs and grabs the shampoo bottle. “Keep talking and let me take care of you.”

I do as she says, letting the painful memories soften their grip on me as I focus on the feel of her running her hands over my head. Her touch soothes me in a way I’ve never known, and I’m surprised to find that I can continue the story without the sting of it being quite as painful as usual.

“Nikolai and I have been friends since we were kids. His mom put him up for adoption when he was a baby, so he never knew his parents. He grew up in a shitty orphanage and left as soon as he could. After my parents died, he lived with us and started fighting for money, but he proved to be a bit too dangerous in the ring. If you think I have anger issues, you should see him when he gets going. When we could no longer find anyone willing to fight him, we found a new job for him. He started organizing everything. He found us people to fight, took the bet money, and made sure everyone paid up when the time came. We had a nice little operation going for a while.”

I lean back as Gina rinses the shampoo from my head and then smile when she wraps her arms and legs around me, pulling me back so I’m resting against her. No one has ever held me like this, and I’m surprised to find how much I like it. Her hand rests on my chest, and I give it a squeeze, holding onto it as I continue the story.

“We had a big fight set up that was going to make us a lot of money. Sergei was supposed to meet us before the fight, but he never showed. Nikolai and I waited as long as we could for him at the apartment before we had to leave. The fight was set up at an abandoned building that was close to where we lived. When we got there, it was empty. I knew something was wrong. I just didn’t know what. Nikolai and I walked around, trying to find some reason for what was going on, and that is when we found him.”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic