Page 22 of Caged Royal

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My eyes flutter open for a moment, but my head pounds like a jackhammer with each heartbeat, forcing them closed again. My mouth is so dry I have to peel my tongue from the roof of my mouth. Everything feels so heavy.

Then I feel his breath on my skin and I flinch, opening my eyes again, the blindfold having slipped down enough that I can see a little, and find him watching me…

Standing way too fucking close.

I have to be imagining this. There’s no way…

“Oh good, you’re awake.” His voice sends a shiver down my spine. It feels like he knows it when he smiles, looking crazier than I’ve ever seen him. He leans in closer, too close. His warm breath on my cheek makes my stomach flip-flop.

I try to speak, but my throat is so dry I can’t form words. How long was I out? Where the hell am I?

What does he want from me?

This can’t be happening to me right now. I close my eyes for a second, trying to calm the rising panic inside of me. How did I not see this? He wasn’t even on the second list of people possibly stalking me. How did he get away from the tour?

How is this real?

I jump as something bangs, and I open my eyes again. I’m not sure what’s worse. Seeing and knowing, or closing my eyes to this insanity.

He walks away from me, over to the darker side of the room. I realize the overhead lights are off, a dim lamp on a short table beside me the only source of light. I can’t see much else, but my eyes are grateful for the break from the harsh glare of the fluorescent lights from earlier.

I need to be smart about this. I have no idea where the fuck I am, why I’m here, what time it is, or if my guys are still alive and on their way to save me. All I know is that it’s cold and dark.


He grins at me again, stroking a finger down my cheek and laughing when I flinch at his touch. “You should call me Panda. You always call me Panda.”

I cringe at his touch. He looks at me like I’m his prize and it makes me feel sick. There’s something sinister in his look that I’ve never seen there before.

“Why am I here?” I ask quietly, hoping not to push him too hard. He’s never hurt me before… but I mean, he took me, drugged me… who knows what else he’s capable of?

“Because those stupid boys don’t deserve you. They just get in the way. You were always meant to be mine. I’m the only one who can protect you. Even your father knew it.”

Bile rises in my throat at his words as they trigger my memories.

Oh God.



The vision of them lying in a pool of blood fills my mind, and I choke back a sob.

Please let them be okay.

“You don’t get to speak about my father.” The words come out as more of a croak than forceful, as intended. “You don’t know anything about him.”

His eyes narrow before his smile widens. “I think, little bird, you might be the one that didn’t know him. Trust me. I knew your father pretty well…” His manic laughter causes bile to rise in my throat. “He promised you to me a long time ago, but he reneged on his deal, stole you away, and sent you here. Away from me and the protection only I can give you.”

The sound of metal on metal screeches out, followed by a clatter. He leaves momentarily in the direction of the sound then moves back toward me. “I told you. I’m trying to protect you.”

I blink up at him, trying to work this all out. “Protect me from what?”

“From them. From all of it. From me.”

None of this makes any sense.

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance