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“She’s lost it,” Ava shrieked, her eyes also scanning the crowd.

I shot her daggers, suppressing the urge to slam my palm into her nose. “I told her the truth. Now, where is he?”

Grayson blinked. “You did what?”

“Hot damn, Josie Jo. Way to blow shit up. You are literally my idol.” Micah chuckled with approval, flashing me his adorable dimples.

“Brock’s going to be pissed,” Grayson stated, his expression impassive.

I shrugged. “What else is new? I’ll handle him.”

“You might just be the only girl who can,” he mumbled, signalling over my head to someone. I thought it might be Brock and lifted up to see over the crowd. It was Fynn and Mads.

The two of them wandered over, my best friend shooting Ava a death glare.

Grayson assessed the situation. I had drawn a line between Ava and me without even knowing it. She had her side, and I had mine, which I could admit was a helluva a lot better than hers. “This is a bad idea, Josie,” Grayson muttered.

“Probably,” I agreed as I wondered how many rooms in this house I would have to check before I found Brock.

Grayson placed a hand on my shoulder. “Nothing I say will stop you.”

I slide my glance to him. “No. If you stand in my way, bro, we are going to have our first fight.”

Turned out, I didn’t need to find Brock. He found me, which looking back, I realized what a sight I must have looked, surrounded by the three guys. We drew all sorts of attention.

Brock’s brows were furrowed together, his aqua eyes narrowed as he glanced between us. “What is going on?”

I faced him. “Ava and I have a score to settle.”

Ava shoved her way forward. “Brock, she is fucking out of control. I demand you kick her out.”

Micah rubbed his hands together, grinning impishly. “Ah, shit! This is going to be good.”

Ignoring them both, I closed the distance between Brock and me with determination shining in my eyes. His brows narrowed as I approached, and he saw the trouble that brewed in my face. He knew I was up to something, and it wouldn’t be good.

“Firefly—” he said firmly, but that was all he got out before my lips attached to his. I laced my fingers into his hair as I touched my tongue to his lips, demanding he open for me. He did, without hesitation. Desire flared between us at the first brush of our tongues.

I was semi-aware of the room going quiet, of the few gasps, but only for a second. Every thought of revenge eddied out of my mind at the taste of Brock. Nothing but him mattered.

“I need you. Tell me you want me,” I murmured against his mouth.

“Always, Firefly.”

Our bodies were pressed so close together I felt his heart beat. “Only me.”

“Only you,” he affirmed, his mouth seizing mine in another explosive kiss.

And that was all I needed.

I kissed him for a few more seconds before I regrettably drew away, ending the kiss. My arms were locked around his neck, his hands securing me to him. I turned my head to the side, brows raised smugly as Brock’s lips brushed against my ear, taking the lobe into his mouth. Victory curled on my lips as I stared at Ava.

So much hate glittered in her hazel eyes, her cheeks flaring bright pink with shame. By the end of the night, word would spread about what I’d done. This time, I didn’t care that I’d be the hot topic on Monday. I owned it.

Mine, I mouthed.

Ava whirled around, her red hair flying in the air. I swore I caught a glimmer of fresh tears springing into her eyes. She stormed off, pushing her way through the crowd, Izzy and Emily hot on her heels, hopefully to lick her fucking wounded black heart.

Bitch got what she deserved.

Tags: J.L. Weil Elite of Elmwood Romance