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Fury sprang into her cheeks, turning them pink. “You’re just jealous. He finally realized what trash you are.”

I snorted. “Pathetic. I’ll be the one laughing my ass off when he makes you a fool in front of the entire school. Did you actually believe there would be no repercussions for what you and your friends did to me?”

“Brock would never choose someone like you,” she hissed.

Challenge accepted.

A dark smile graced my lips. “That’s where you’re wrong. I might be trash, but he will always pick me.” Pretty sure he would. Brock had never told me he loved me, but I was a gambling kind of girl. I was betting on him and me. “Are you so confident to think that if we went out there right now and I demanded he choose one of us, that he would pick you?”

Doubt crept into her hazel eyes. Just a flicker, but it was enough.

I pounced. “In fact, just the other day at school, he fucked me in the locker room.”

“That’s all you are, a fuck.” She flung the accusation at me.

I grinned. “And a damn good one. He comes to me. Not you.”

The bitch stepped forward, a hand open at her side.

I thought she might slap me, and I would have welcomed the pain. I wanted her to hit me first because then it was game on. “I’m guessing by the fury in your eyes that you and Brock haven’t been intimate since his sudden return interest in you. Didn’t you think the timing was odd? That he would start paying attention to you again after what you did to me? You’re lucky he didn’t have the living shit beaten out of you.” I advanced on her, getting in her face. “I’m more of a tit for tat girl.”

“Perhaps I went too easy on you the first time.” She shook with fury, her voice trembling from it.

Lifted my chin, I baited her. “Go on. Hit me. I dare you. It will give me an excuse to kick your fucking ass. You don’t stand a chance against me alone, and you know it. Without your friends, you’re nothing. Just a rich girl who can’t get the guy.”

“Get the hell out of here!”

I wasn’t done yet. I was just getting started. “How about we just end this right here, right now?”

“What are you doing?” she asked when I turned the lock and reached for the door.

“It’s not what I’m doing. It’s what we’re doing. Come on,” I ordered over my shoulder, holding the door open. “Don’t make me drag you down the hall by your nappy red hair.”

“My hair is not nappy, whore.”

I grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her out of the bathroom. She ripped her hand out from my grasp as I started forward down the hall. A few nearby partygoers turned to stare, and as I stalked through the house, Ava on my heels, we drew more eyes. I didn’t give a flying fuck.

Micah pushed his way through the crowd and sauntered up beside me, keeping pace with my footsteps. “Josie Jo, what is going on?” He muttered near my ear.

I weaved around furniture, moving into the next room. “Just wait and find out. The entertainment is about to begin.”

“I’m not so sure a strip show is the best idea,” he muttered, eyeing me warily.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not getting naked, you perv.”

“Don’t think I don’t know what you and Mads did back there,” he said, busting us.

I shrugged, my purpose unwavering. “I needed a moment.”

His gaze flicked to Ava, who was now flanked by Izzy and Emily. “I see that.”

I whirled on Micah, my emotions heightened. “Where is he?” I demanded.

Grayson suddenly appeared at my other side. “What’s going on? You have that look.”

I glared at my brother, pivoting to search the room. “I don’t have a look. Do you know where he is or not?”

Grayson’s gaze darted over my shoulder before returning to me; a shrewdness that hadn’t been there before flared.

Tags: J.L. Weil Elite of Elmwood Romance