Page 90 of My Ex-Stepbrother

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As I cook, Lacy and I catch up. She tells me about her book tour and how it’s been going. She also reveals that her sister, Lillian, is back from Europe. Meanwhile, I tell her about how I’ve been finishing up the album—and admit how much trouble I had getting it done without her help.

“I had to redo the entire last track. The one I wrote after you—” I cut myself off from sayingafter you left meand instead say “—after our last fight at Rose Manor. It took awhile, but I think I finally got right.”

“Can I listen to it?” Lacy asks, her eyes eager with anticipation.

“I have a rough cut on my phone,” I reply as I set down a stack of pancakes in front of Lacy. I smile as she eagerly loads them up with syrup and a load of strawberries. Then, as she eats, I play the final track of the album. Lacy stops eating as she listens, putting her fork down and concentrating every fiber of her being on the words.

You were the dream girl I never knew I needed…

I was caught up in my own hurt, in my own curse…

I’m sorry.

Please come home.

Meet me in the garden of roses at day’s end,

We’ll watch the fireflies come out and pretend,

That this could be forever.

There’s a long silence in the kitchen when the track ends. Lacy is staring at me. Her eyes are slightly wet with tears, but there’s a soft smile on her face. I start to open my mouth to tell her that it’s inspired by her, that it’s an apology track of sorts. But I shut it again. Lacy knows. I know she knows. I don’t have to tell her this kind of shit. And that’s exactly why I love her so much.

She gets me.

It’s the astounding thought I’ve had again and again as I’ve gotten to know her. Lacy gets me in a way that nobody else ever can, I think. And that’s something worth devoting a lifetime to.

“Hello? Anybody home?” A strange voice interrupts the heavy silence between us.

“Uh, yeah, in here!” I call out gruffly.

We hear a click-clack of heels in the hallway and then the realtor, Rebecca, appears in the doorway to the kitchen. As soon as she catches sight of us, a huge smile crosses her face.

“Well, I see you’re not wasting any time making yourself at home, Ben,” she says, “And Lacy, I see you’ve met the buyer!”

“Yep,” Lacy says with a blush.

Rebecca seems totally unfazed by the circumstances and simply hands me a huge manilla envelope.

“The keys and all the paperwork are in there. Congratulations, Ben. You officially own Rose Manor.”

“Weofficially own Rose Manor,” I say with a nod to Lacy.

“I’m sure you’ll both be very happy here,” Rebecca says with a nod. “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to call.”

And with that she click-clacks off again, leaving me and Lacy alone in the house. Our house.

“Is this really happening?” Lacy asks dreamily, her eyes wide.

“Yep. I’m going to have my lawyers adjust the paperwork so we officially both own Rose Manor ASAP. This is home, Lace.Ourhome.”

I walk toward her as I’m talking and wrap my arms around her, pulling her in close to my chest. I nuzzle my face into her hair and kiss the top of her head as she cuddles into my chest.

I can feel her heart beating lightly against me as she wraps her arms around me.

I smile gently to myself.

There’s no doubt about it, I’m the luckiest fucking guy in the world.

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance