Page 56 of Saving Gavin

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Chapter 24


We’vebeenbackin Georgia for a week. Gavin is all moved into my house. The first night Gavin was home from the hospital, my mom took Graham to her hotel with her. We didn’t get any sleep because Gavin said he wanted to relearn my body now he can see every inch of it, and that's exactly what he did.

Tonight, we're having dinner with Lexi and Noah. Gavin wanted to thank them properly for everything they did for him. I think he and Noah are becoming fast friends. Next week, Gavin begins working with Paisley, and the schedule works out perfectly since his time is flexible.

Together we drop Graham off at school, after which I can drop Gavin off on my way to work and reverse the process on the way home.

To say Gavin fell into fatherhood like he was made for it would be an understatement. He's there for everything. Graham had to give a presentation for his science project in class, and Gavin insisted we be there for it even though we were the only parents in the room. Graham smiled the entire time and afterward showed his dad off to everyone.

Graham and James have already been hinting they want to have a father and son camping trip. Currently, Gavin's in talks with James's dad on the details, and it looks like it's going to be underway next month, depending on the weather.

Noah and Lexi arrive for dinner, along with baby J.T. After dinner, Noah takes the baby, and he, Gavin, and Graham head to the living room while Lexi and I stay in the kitchen and clean up.

"I'm so happy your friend, Faith, is going to help us with Logan,” Lexi says as she puts the food away from dinner. “I'm always hesitant to bring new people in, but when they come recommended from people we already know and trust, it makes it so much easier. Noah says I'm overprotective, but everyone at Oakside is my family."

Faith is excited to work with Logan. He was a pilot who was in a plane crash. Because of the damage to his voice box, he can no longer use his voice. But Faith loves a challenge, and from the sound of it, he's going to give her one.

"I'm excited she's going to be helping out at Oakside for a completely different reason. We haven't worked together much since we graduated school, so it will be great to have her close again."

I don't work full-time at Oakside, only when they have cases for me. But one of the other men who survived the plane crash also lost his sight, which means I'll be at Oakside for a while longer, so Faith and I will be working together again.

Gavin is excited to have someone he might be able to help so soon. Even if he doesn't realize it, sharing his story will help this man more than he knows. From what I understand, my new patient also has a wife and two kids. The program is there to help him, but it’s always trickier when families are involved. I’ll make sure they give him the right support. It’s my belief some family is better than no family.

The morning after Gavin asked me to marry him, he insistedwe start planning. He wants me to be his wife as soon as possible and doesn't want to wait. After that, things seem to fall into place.

Lexi offered Oakside as our wedding venue. We plan to get married on the back lawn and set up tents for the reception. I love the idea, and we’ve planned it together, but Gavin insists we invite the patients currently in residence when we get married. Since Oakside is what brought us back together, I completely agree. Besides, it feels right to start this chapter of our lives there, too.

Once we finish up in the kitchen, we go into the living room with the guys. But when I walk in and find Gavin holding Noah and Lexi’s baby, I freeze in my tracks. It hits me how much he missed. He wasn't there for Graham’s first steps, his first holidays, his first birthday, and he wasn't there to hold him the day he was born. I haven't given having more kids another thought, but at that moment, I promise myself we’ll have as many kids as Gavin wants so he can get all the firsts. I know it won't make up for missing Graham’s firsts, but it will be a bonding experience I'm not willing to miss out on either.

The more I think about it, the more I can't wait to have another child with Gavin, which gets me wondering how soon he's willing to start trying...

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance